03-31-2018, 05:10 PM
Introduction: On a lonely night, the two Typhoon members met up on the edge of the sea. They talked, but soon got down to straight business for a little frisky fun. After a night of fun, they expect nothing from the other, as it was just casual, but after a short time, Guru realizes that it was much more than some casual night out. Instead, her belly begins to swell. The two incompatible parents will throw down... and not lightly.Rules:
- Free for all genetics as long as they remain Bengal felines.
- Keep these characters active! They will be rehomed as needed.
- They have the option to carry Pincher's last name(Roux).
- These children will start at the age of three months.
There will be three or four slots depending on the amount of applications.
You may use any apply in your own format as long as you include the basics. Name, gender, appearance, and personality. Small details are appreciated and quality over quantity as always.
Hiya! I'm Orion, Beasts of Beyond's administrator and owner. I play a few characters, which you can view by clicking on 'linked accounts' underneath my avatar or going to my profile. I am always open to plotting or chit-chatting with anyone who asks, so feel free to approach me at any time. Along with that, I am open to answering any questions about BoB. You can do either by sending me a message on-site or on our Discord! I look forward to roleplaying with all of you. ;^)For info on BoB's revamp, click here! Check out the guidebook too.