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PINCHER X GURU || leader x typhoon member - Printable Version

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PINCHER X GURU || leader x typhoon member - Orion - 03-31-2018

Introduction: On a lonely night, the two Typhoon members met up on the edge of the sea. They talked, but soon got down to straight business for a little frisky fun. After a night of fun, they expect nothing from the other, as it was just casual, but after a short time, Guru realizes that it was much more than some casual night out. Instead, her belly begins to swell. The two incompatible parents will throw down... and not lightly.

- Free for all genetics as long as they remain Bengal felines.
- Keep these characters active! They will be rehomed as needed.
- They have the option to carry Pincher's last name(Roux).
- These children will start at the age of three months.

There will be three or four slots depending on the amount of applications.

You may use any apply in your own format as long as you include the basics. Name, gender, appearance, and personality. Small details are appreciated and quality over quantity as always.

Re: PINCHER X GURU || leader x typhoon member - Guru - 03-31-2018

tracking on subaccount <3333

Re: || leader x typhoon member - cafune - 03-31-2018


Re: PINCHER X GURU || leader x typhoon member - spacexual - 04-01-2018

i'll apply later

Re: PINCHER X GURU || leader x typhoon member - PINCHER - 04-01-2018

crappy fish dad here

Re: PINCHER X GURU || leader x typhoon member - Whisper - 04-01-2018


Re: PINCHER X GURU || leader x typhoon member - bubblegum - 04-01-2018

— general
name. goldenluxury / goldie roux
name origin. she was named after her spotted golden fur, along with the pirate theme of the typhoon. this name will only be even more fitting as she grows older, as she will show interest in jewelry and shiny, golden things.
sex. female
gender. cisgender female
sexuality. pansexual
romantic orientation. panromantic; leans towards girls
— appearance
photo reference
as a kitten, goldie is quite small and chubby. her paws are too big for her tiny body, causing her to trip over herself a lot. however, as she ages, she quickly grows that out and grows into a very buff, tall bengal cat. her fur as a kitten shines a golden color, giving her name, although becomes slightly more copper while she grows. she has a white belly, paws, muzzle, and tail tip that mostly fades out as she grows up. her eyes are a cold, striking green and remain this way throughout her life.
— personality
istp. she is very loyal to her friends and family and always want to be aware of how they're doing, causing her to be clingy as a kid, but grows more independent as time passes and she figures the world out. while goldie isn't afraid to talk to people and certainly doesn't mind it, she does grow tired of it after a while. she doesn't mind silence between others, but is often the one to initiate conversation, as to avoid others potentially feeling uncomfortable. she is able to read emotion quite well, and isn't afraid to comment on it. she is able to take over a leadership role in any sort of situation, as she is direct, although generally avoids stealing the spotlight from anyone. she is very adaptable and isn't afraid to be bold and take risks, however can also be intensely stubborn with some of her beliefs. she always tries to keep herself busy with whatever she may be passionate about at the time (which is many different things as a child). since she can be so caught up in her day-to-day activities, she tends to be pretty bad at commitment, as she grows bored of it. while she is extremely loyal to her friends and family, she struggles at making plans with them or even paying attention to them at all at times. all in all, goldie is a dedicated worker and loves celebrating her passions.
positive traits. adaptable, quick-witted, unafraid of stepping up, ambitious but not power-hungry, passionate, courageous, relaxed, independent (as an adult), noble
negative traits. can be very stubborn over certain things, too direct, bad at commitment, too workaholic, reserved emotions, easily bored
— notes
goldie's face and voiceclaim is urbosa from zelda: breath of the wild.
plot ideas. something to do with her becoming a gargoyle?? that'd be cool >:^)
starts out as a wild child but grows to be a very strong and devoted warrior
gonna be clingy to her parents, even if they might not appreciate it ;^)

Re: PINCHER X GURU || leader x typhoon member - fluffy - 04-02-2018

track, may apply

Re: PINCHER X GURU || leader x typhoon member - spacexual - 04-02-2018


Re: PINCHER X GURU || leader x typhoon member - tropics - 04-05-2018

tracking, might apply