chrys' tags - heavy wip:
basics / i thought of angels
— Chrysanthemumtears ;; "Chrys"
— Questioning ;; Fem. pronouns
— Five months ;; dob ;; Ages realistically
. member
appearance / choking on their halos
— dom. canine [birth / main / corgi] ;; mental health: 100% ;; physical health: 100% ;; ref.
. as far as stature goes, chrys is on the smaller side in comparison to other canines. her ears are starting to stand up straight on their own though will flop over if she moves about too much. Her irises are a dark shade of purple that lighten only slightly as they draw further and further from her light pink pupils. Her togune, nose and paw pads share the same shade of dark brown. Continuing on, Chrys' mostly snowy white coat is short but thick. A blotch of beige can be noticed on the right side of her face, encompassing her eye and her ear. Her right hind leg and her short, almost nonexistent tail shares the same beige colour. Above her eyes are dark brown teardrop shaped "eyebrows" with two smaller dots between them both of which are the same colour as her nose. Around each eye there are small blossoming flower petals, a sky blue one just above her eye on the outer part, another sky blue one on the side and a hot pink one on the lower lid. These same petals could be spotted on the lower parts of her legs, on the area below her thighs but above her paws. Chrys' fur is normally soft and well groomed as she does her best to always look presentable and neat. Her limbs are short though her body is long and with the seeming absence of a tail (her's is extremely short), staying true to the well-known Corgi appearance.
personality / get them drunk on rosewater
— mbti ;; archtype ;; ravenclaw ;; trope ;; trope ;; trope
. Personality wise, Chrys is definitely more calm, cool and collected. She's not outgoing, but she isn't reserved either. She has an air of elegance to her as well as a gentleness that could either be taken as comforting or scary. She doesn't have much of a presence which irritates her to no bound but it's not something she could really avoid due to her size and mannerism. Her voice is small and high pitched but will mature as she grows older, which only adds to the level of fragility that others perceive of her. Chrys isn't fragile in the slightest and is more along the lines of a subtle hardcore. Whatever needs to be done, will get done no matter how bloody or dirty the task is- she could always take a bath later. She doesn't like opening up about what's bothering her as she's stubbornly independent but if it's something she truly doesn't know how to handle, she makes sure to seek advice from whom she trusts. Chrys doesn't trust easily either but at the same time, gaining her trust isn't that much of a challenge. She's decisive, headstrong and steadfast in her goals. Chrys can definitely come off as uptight but she's a lot more friendly than she looks.
. positive traits include being
. neutral traits include being
. negative traits include being
relationships / see how dirty i can get them
— [g1] unknown xx unknown
. no siblings
— children: x
— friends: x
— enemies: x
— trusts: x
— unknown sexuality
. not interested atm
— ½ __
— relations: x
interaction / pulling out their fragile teeth
— no powers
— physically easy ;; mentally easy ;; will not start unnecessary fights ;; will end fights
— open to minor injuries and plotting ;; closed to death, maim, torture and major injuries
— attack in italicized #ff7256] ;; can powerplay nonviolent/peaceful acts
miscellaneous / and clip their tiny wings
— Mute
. Due to an untreated injury; speaks just barely below a whisper
— Aims to become an assassin/contract killer
— Loves mythologies, blueberries and lizards
— Collects keys and locks
— Allergic to dust and pollen
— always ic opinions <3
— Chrysanthemumtears ;; "Chrys"
— Questioning ;; Fem. pronouns
— Five months ;; dob ;; Ages realistically
. member
appearance / choking on their halos
— dom. canine [birth / main / corgi] ;; mental health: 100% ;; physical health: 100% ;; ref.
. as far as stature goes, chrys is on the smaller side in comparison to other canines. her ears are starting to stand up straight on their own though will flop over if she moves about too much. Her irises are a dark shade of purple that lighten only slightly as they draw further and further from her light pink pupils. Her togune, nose and paw pads share the same shade of dark brown. Continuing on, Chrys' mostly snowy white coat is short but thick. A blotch of beige can be noticed on the right side of her face, encompassing her eye and her ear. Her right hind leg and her short, almost nonexistent tail shares the same beige colour. Above her eyes are dark brown teardrop shaped "eyebrows" with two smaller dots between them both of which are the same colour as her nose. Around each eye there are small blossoming flower petals, a sky blue one just above her eye on the outer part, another sky blue one on the side and a hot pink one on the lower lid. These same petals could be spotted on the lower parts of her legs, on the area below her thighs but above her paws. Chrys' fur is normally soft and well groomed as she does her best to always look presentable and neat. Her limbs are short though her body is long and with the seeming absence of a tail (her's is extremely short), staying true to the well-known Corgi appearance.
personality / get them drunk on rosewater
— mbti ;; archtype ;; ravenclaw ;; trope ;; trope ;; trope
. Personality wise, Chrys is definitely more calm, cool and collected. She's not outgoing, but she isn't reserved either. She has an air of elegance to her as well as a gentleness that could either be taken as comforting or scary. She doesn't have much of a presence which irritates her to no bound but it's not something she could really avoid due to her size and mannerism. Her voice is small and high pitched but will mature as she grows older, which only adds to the level of fragility that others perceive of her. Chrys isn't fragile in the slightest and is more along the lines of a subtle hardcore. Whatever needs to be done, will get done no matter how bloody or dirty the task is- she could always take a bath later. She doesn't like opening up about what's bothering her as she's stubbornly independent but if it's something she truly doesn't know how to handle, she makes sure to seek advice from whom she trusts. Chrys doesn't trust easily either but at the same time, gaining her trust isn't that much of a challenge. She's decisive, headstrong and steadfast in her goals. Chrys can definitely come off as uptight but she's a lot more friendly than she looks.
. positive traits include being
. neutral traits include being
. negative traits include being
relationships / see how dirty i can get them
— [g1] unknown xx unknown
. no siblings
— children: x
— friends: x
— enemies: x
— trusts: x
— unknown sexuality
. not interested atm
— ½ __
— relations: x
interaction / pulling out their fragile teeth
— no powers
— physically easy ;; mentally easy ;; will not start unnecessary fights ;; will end fights
— open to minor injuries and plotting ;; closed to death, maim, torture and major injuries
— attack in italicized #ff7256] ;; can powerplay nonviolent/peaceful acts
miscellaneous / and clip their tiny wings
— Mute
. Due to an untreated injury; speaks just barely below a whisper
— Aims to become an assassin/contract killer
— Loves mythologies, blueberries and lizards
— Collects keys and locks
— Allergic to dust and pollen
— always ic opinions <3
chrys' fancy:
[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:liberation sans;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;line-height:130%;text-transform:lowercase; cursor: url(, auto"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer risus urna, pharetra nec velit ac, condimentum fringilla turpis. Etiam sagittis justo ut nulla tempus, non iaculis nibh sagittis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis vulputate lectus sed enim accumsan porttitor. Duis fringilla consectetur lectus, ut euismod nulla volutpat sit amet. Integer gravida lacus in rutrum facilisis. Cras condimentum purus et libero cursus accumsan. Quisque at dignissim ligula, ornare fermentum orci. Mauris vitae tortor id dolor pretium pulvinar. Proin est quam, elementum eu placerat a, maximus ullamcorper tellus. Aenean sit amet dolor ex. Phasellus in nunc nec sapien venenatis pharetra. Donec in magna est. Nullam scelerisque dolor sed lacus consequat euismod. Pellentesque et diam non tortor tempor venenatis id non massa. Vestibulum et sapien ex. Nam vel dignissim eros. Aliquam non sem non quam consectetur lacinia in et nisi. Nunc ut ultrices tellus. In vel justo nec ex ultrices cursus vel eu magna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent vel feugiat lectus, sed eleifend metus. Nullam nec sapien risus.
Nullam dapibus pellentesque magna. "Donec eget erat erat." Phasellus sed luctus mi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec quis mauris mattis, ornare metus in, viverra augue. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut porta eros eget leo mattis viverra. Nam nec semper eros. Aenean quis augue at justo luctus tempus in laoreet enim. Aliquam et velit ultricies, molestie diam sed, molestie nibh. Proin scelerisque lacus quis dolor scelerisque, vitae venenatis quam eleifend. Curabitur in lobortis justo. Suspendisse gravida vehicula neque in lobortis. Vivamus nunc sapien, ullamcorper sed massa non, placerat posuere nibh. Praesent vel tellus nec urna rhoncus luctus. Cras non libero gravida, tempor ex ac, dignissim lacus. Suspendisse pretium enim nec sodales vehicula. Curabitur ut luctus nisl, non placerat lacus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam efficitur, tellus at vestibulum bibendum, sem elit pellentesque sem, vitae commodo sem nulla at ipsum. Sed sodales euismod nisi eu mattis. Praesent viverra molestie risus, non consequat metus. Donec et tellus sit amet diam porta viverra. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean a elit enim. Vestibulum massa arcu, blandit vitae enim ut, consequat pulvinar metus. Curabitur a erat id sem egestas mattis.
Nulla varius tellus nibh, quis placerat ipsum vestibulum tincidunt. "Vivamus iaculis quam eu sapien feugiat rhoncus. Etiam at lacinia libero. Proin porta condimentum ullamcorper. Proin suscipit, risus a facilisis dignissim, metus quam scelerisque nisi, ac gravida magna lorem ac lectus." Phasellus non rutrum neque. Ut id fringilla justo. Suspendisse aliquam urna a justo tincidunt, sit amet rutrum risus tempor. Aenean commodo varius libero et porttitor. Quisque libero urna, pretium sit amet vehicula id, aliquet a lorem. Duis lacus nulla, faucibus non fringilla at, malesuada vitae libero. Nullam aliquet lacinia pharetra. Cras scelerisque, nunc vitae cursus convallis, ipsum augue scelerisque leo, vestibulum ullamcorper ex velit ut lorem. Curabitur consectetur id purus sed porttitor. Aenean ac elit pretium, sagittis augue quis, suscipit mauris. Curabitur pretium, metus quis mattis pretium, augue tortor ullamcorper felis, nec sollicitudin ligula est in leo. Duis fringilla dapibus magna vitae fermentum.
Nam ut porttitor eros. Suspendisse tincidunt, dui nec hendrerit viverra, massa tellus sodales orci, eu ullamcorper ex enim pharetra lorem. Sed molestie tristique facilisis. In molestie venenatis urna accumsan porttitor. Aenean gravida nibh porttitor leo tincidunt rutrum. Vivamus viverra auctor leo, ac condimentum elit facilisis suscipit. Curabitur imperdiet condimentum tellus, elementum aliquam sapien accumsan sed. Sed sed blandit tortor. Suspendisse scelerisque massa sem, non euismod dolor tempus non. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Sed condimentum mollis vestibulum. Suspendisse molestie a risus sed feugiat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus imperdiet bibendum purus eget iaculis. In aliquam tempor purus in tristique. Etiam a justo et purus tristique dictum eu at urna. Proin ut gravida arcu. Etiam rutrum maximus dui, ac maximus orci. Cras eget felis et purus convallis malesuada.Aenean sed varius nisl, nec vestibulum ligula. Donec dolor tellus, mattis ut ultrices ac, semper eu orci. Curabitur iaculis nec risus vitae rutrum. Pellentesque dui lacus, laoreet ut quam in, mollis porttitor leo. Donec scelerisque id arcu eget ultrices. Aliquam varius gravida finibus. Ut purus est, rutrum cursus dictum ac, euismod sit amet magna. Phasellus rutrum velit nec vestibulum scelerisque. Sed vehicula euismod risus ac dictum. Integer ac libero nec dolor ullamcorper placerat non sit amet diam. Nullam pharetra commodo mi. Maecenas eu lorem felis. Nulla facilisi. Morbi semper orci at nibh bibendum aliquet. Duis a quam at justo hendrerit dignissim pellentesque a quam. Curabitur dictum faucibus ipsum, sed lacinia lacus hendrerit ut.
[align=center]Nullam dapibus pellentesque magna. "Donec eget erat erat." Phasellus sed luctus mi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec quis mauris mattis, ornare metus in, viverra augue. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut porta eros eget leo mattis viverra. Nam nec semper eros. Aenean quis augue at justo luctus tempus in laoreet enim. Aliquam et velit ultricies, molestie diam sed, molestie nibh. Proin scelerisque lacus quis dolor scelerisque, vitae venenatis quam eleifend. Curabitur in lobortis justo. Suspendisse gravida vehicula neque in lobortis. Vivamus nunc sapien, ullamcorper sed massa non, placerat posuere nibh. Praesent vel tellus nec urna rhoncus luctus. Cras non libero gravida, tempor ex ac, dignissim lacus. Suspendisse pretium enim nec sodales vehicula. Curabitur ut luctus nisl, non placerat lacus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam efficitur, tellus at vestibulum bibendum, sem elit pellentesque sem, vitae commodo sem nulla at ipsum. Sed sodales euismod nisi eu mattis. Praesent viverra molestie risus, non consequat metus. Donec et tellus sit amet diam porta viverra. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean a elit enim. Vestibulum massa arcu, blandit vitae enim ut, consequat pulvinar metus. Curabitur a erat id sem egestas mattis.
Nulla varius tellus nibh, quis placerat ipsum vestibulum tincidunt. "Vivamus iaculis quam eu sapien feugiat rhoncus. Etiam at lacinia libero. Proin porta condimentum ullamcorper. Proin suscipit, risus a facilisis dignissim, metus quam scelerisque nisi, ac gravida magna lorem ac lectus." Phasellus non rutrum neque. Ut id fringilla justo. Suspendisse aliquam urna a justo tincidunt, sit amet rutrum risus tempor. Aenean commodo varius libero et porttitor. Quisque libero urna, pretium sit amet vehicula id, aliquet a lorem. Duis lacus nulla, faucibus non fringilla at, malesuada vitae libero. Nullam aliquet lacinia pharetra. Cras scelerisque, nunc vitae cursus convallis, ipsum augue scelerisque leo, vestibulum ullamcorper ex velit ut lorem. Curabitur consectetur id purus sed porttitor. Aenean ac elit pretium, sagittis augue quis, suscipit mauris. Curabitur pretium, metus quis mattis pretium, augue tortor ullamcorper felis, nec sollicitudin ligula est in leo. Duis fringilla dapibus magna vitae fermentum.
Nam ut porttitor eros. Suspendisse tincidunt, dui nec hendrerit viverra, massa tellus sodales orci, eu ullamcorper ex enim pharetra lorem. Sed molestie tristique facilisis. In molestie venenatis urna accumsan porttitor. Aenean gravida nibh porttitor leo tincidunt rutrum. Vivamus viverra auctor leo, ac condimentum elit facilisis suscipit. Curabitur imperdiet condimentum tellus, elementum aliquam sapien accumsan sed. Sed sed blandit tortor. Suspendisse scelerisque massa sem, non euismod dolor tempus non. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Sed condimentum mollis vestibulum. Suspendisse molestie a risus sed feugiat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus imperdiet bibendum purus eget iaculis. In aliquam tempor purus in tristique. Etiam a justo et purus tristique dictum eu at urna. Proin ut gravida arcu. Etiam rutrum maximus dui, ac maximus orci. Cras eget felis et purus convallis malesuada.Aenean sed varius nisl, nec vestibulum ligula. Donec dolor tellus, mattis ut ultrices ac, semper eu orci. Curabitur iaculis nec risus vitae rutrum. Pellentesque dui lacus, laoreet ut quam in, mollis porttitor leo. Donec scelerisque id arcu eget ultrices. Aliquam varius gravida finibus. Ut purus est, rutrum cursus dictum ac, euismod sit amet magna. Phasellus rutrum velit nec vestibulum scelerisque. Sed vehicula euismod risus ac dictum. Integer ac libero nec dolor ullamcorper placerat non sit amet diam. Nullam pharetra commodo mi. Maecenas eu lorem felis. Nulla facilisi. Morbi semper orci at nibh bibendum aliquet. Duis a quam at justo hendrerit dignissim pellentesque a quam. Curabitur dictum faucibus ipsum, sed lacinia lacus hendrerit ut.
chrys' sig:
[/td][td][div style="margin-top: -6px; margin-left: 5px; height: 75px; width: 250px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8px;"]CHRYSANTHEMUMTEARS is a GENDERFLUID CORGI with NEUTRAL, MASC. AND FEM. pronouns. she is a MEMBER of THE ELYSIUM and is FIVE months old. he is physically EASY and mentally EASY. attack in ITALIC #ff7256. played by [member=366]raiden[/member].[/td][/tr][/table] chrys avvies:
larger icons - personalized to fit spoiler
[img height=150 width=150][/img] [img height=150 width=150][/img] [img height=150 width=150][/img] [img height=150 width=150][/img] [img height=150 width=150][/img]
fc: janelle monet
(maybe) nanami yasuri - katanagatari (maple leaf's sister)
chrys' (possible) powers:
. x-ray vision
. telekinesis
. shapeshifting (cheetah, magpie, scottish fold) - all white creatures save for the magpie
. teleportation
. conjuration
. enhanced senses (scent and eyes)
. mental manipulation and communication (genjutsu but not really / telepathy)
. air and fire elemental
. telekinesis
. shapeshifting (cheetah, magpie, scottish fold) - all white creatures save for the magpie
. teleportation
. conjuration
. enhanced senses (scent and eyes)
. mental manipulation and communication (genjutsu but not really / telepathy)
. air and fire elemental
(possible) ideas??:
. something with the egyptian sun god ra??? that'd be lit
. forced to share her body with a spirit after a near death experience to keep her alive
. gets a pet lizard
. discovering sexuality and gender??? :ooo
. forced to share her body with a spirit after a near death experience to keep her alive
. gets a pet lizard
. discovering sexuality and gender??? :ooo
notes/fun trivia ig:
. her name is a jab at her allergies as she's allergic to pollen and by extension, flowers. chrysanthemum is a kind of flower and watery eyes (tears) are a symptom of allergies. in addition, her name is ironic as she doesn't like flowers (she doesn't see the point in giving them as gifts as they're going to die anyways and also pollen ofc) and she doesn't like crying as she views it as a sign of weakness. however tears shed for another in her eyes is the highest form of empathy and compassion.
. death doesn't scare her, though being abandoned does
. death doesn't scare her, though being abandoned does
. Rihanna
[url=http://]It's Not Over . Daughtry
. Bebe Rexha ft Florida Georgia Line
[url=http://]Soulmate . Lizzo
. Egypt Central
[url=http://]Waking Lions . Pop Evil
. Lifehouse
[url=http://]Mz. Hyde . Halestorm
. Big Sean ft E-40
[url=http://]Famous Last Words . My Chemical Romance
. Capital Cities
[url=http://]The Mighty Fall . Fall Out Boy ft Big Sean
. Fall Out Boy ft Foxes
[url=http://]Dirt And Roses . Rise Against
[url=http://]It's Not Over . Daughtry
. Bebe Rexha ft Florida Georgia Line
[url=http://]Soulmate . Lizzo
. Egypt Central
[url=http://]Waking Lions . Pop Evil
. Lifehouse
[url=http://]Mz. Hyde . Halestorm
. Big Sean ft E-40
[url=http://]Famous Last Words . My Chemical Romance
. Capital Cities
[url=http://]The Mighty Fall . Fall Out Boy ft Big Sean
. Fall Out Boy ft Foxes
[url=http://]Dirt And Roses . Rise Against
[align=center][div style="font-size:13pt;line-height:.9;font-family:georgia; padding:8px;letter-spacing:.6px;color:white"]「 i guess it can't be helped then 」
[div style="width:266px;font-size:6.5pt;line-height:1.2;font-family:arial;margin-top:2px;margin-bottom:5px;letter-spacing:.2px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;text-transform:uppercase;color:white;"]info // site married to @ryuu-tan ♡ // characters [color=transparent]————————————
[div style="width:266px;font-size:6.5pt;line-height:1.2;font-family:arial;margin-top:2px;margin-bottom:5px;letter-spacing:.2px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;text-transform:uppercase;color:white;"]info // site married to @ryuu-tan ♡ // characters [color=transparent]————————————