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pure motives // storage - Printable Version

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pure motives // storage - raiden - 04-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:arial;font-size:10.5px;text-align:justify;line-height:150%;text-transform:lowercase;"]characters

. daelan
. fracturedtime, cronas
. sachairi - semi-hiatus
. renegadeanthem
. zebulon
. chrysanthemumtears

Re: pure motives // storage - raiden - 04-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width:50%;font-family:raavi;font-size:12px;text-align:justify;line-height:130%;"]. daegan or daelan (dae)
. rott
. dude
. age is tbd
. join a group?? maybe
. built ford tough
. v passionate about space; a science nerd
. quiet n humble
. easily excitable and it shows through small actions (i.e wagging tail, shifting paws, mixing up words etc)
. kids r okay i guess
. only a little dead inside
. prefers to remain neutral in situations that don't directly affect him
. sometimes wears glasses to help with poor eyesight
. v easy to drag along against his will
. but go easy on him he doesn't have an adventurous spirit
. will kill if given good reason to
. loves flowers give him lots of flower crowns and bouquets. large quantities at once may make him cry
. a soft boy that came from good parents (npc). he left them though cos it was getting boring there. visits them on occasion. they're proud of their son
. not sure about his sexuality so he doesn't think about it much
. doesn’t like really small creatures around him. he’s scared he may step on them
. maybe a ruddy base with bits of black and brown flecks on/around his shoulder blades and on his face like freckles with his belly littered with them. maybe a black paw? idk. stubby tail, floppy ears, the usual rott appearance

Re: pure motives // storage - raiden - 04-09-2018

[div style=""width:60%;font-family:arial;font-size:12.5px;text-align:justify;line-height:115%;word-spacing:-1px;"color:black"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed elementum nulla placerat mi scelerisque varius. Donec vestibulum lobortis turpis. Nulla varius luctus blandit. Suspendisse fermentum aliquet odio, vel pulvinar enim tempus eu. Donec malesuada enim eget felis mattis, eu cursus eros pharetra. Cras sodales nisl ante, vitae ornare mi commodo eu. Aenean sagittis, est et lobortis semper, quam neque finibus ligula, a blandit metus nisl sit amet mi. Integer laoreet non nibh et sagittis. Quisque non viverra leo, sodales aliquam nisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent elit tortor, hendrerit fringilla mauris sit amet, condimentum iaculis erat. Aenean dapibus porttitor tortor, at elementum lectus varius ac. Aenean porta maximus odio ut volutpat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer aliquet dui neque. Nam tempus neque eget condimentum fringilla. Fusce at quam et odio cursus sodales. Phasellus non facilisis nulla. Nullam dictum arcu nec molestie eleifend. In quis mi libero. Curabitur interdum nunc massa, id ultricies massa dapibus eu. Nullam laoreet ligula a lacus semper, a gravida lectus sodales. Fusce egestas efficitur fermentum. Duis feugiat elementum laoreet. Donec diam libero, congue in luctus condimentum, pellentesque quis enim. Aenean vitae feugiat leo, accumsan finibus ipsum. Donec iaculis tincidunt ipsum, ut rutrum lectus maximus nec. Etiam tincidunt sapien vitae ex tempus, eget ornare lacus hendrerit. Curabitur at lorem porta, maximus augue in, convallis nulla. Nulla sollicitudin et dolor quis consequat. Nulla leo leo, ultricies eget dui ut, laoreet sollicitudin turpis. Aenean egestas magna lectus, id sagittis nibh vehicula id. Fusce ac hendrerit enim. Fusce aliquet lobortis pretium. Nullam ut pharetra libero, id venenatis ipsum. Quisque et diam convallis, ullamcorper purus condimentum, ornare libero. Sed ornare porta dictum. Quisque vel aliquet metus, sed ultricies augue. Vestibulum posuere odio id nunc ullamcorper aliquet. Sed elementum libero mattis sem consequat, vitae venenatis lorem vehicula. Quisque et magna non quam elementum vehicula. Nullam lobortis, ipsum et tincidunt cursus, nisl arcu venenatis tortor, id laoreet orci diam consectetur ante. Quisque nec purus vel lectus egestas porttitor. Proin dignissim ultricies tortor quis pretium. Proin ut eros placerat, tempor tortor eget, porta leo. Nullam dignissim consectetur consequat. Pellentesque et nisl sem. Mauris luctus tincidunt elit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc eget augue quis dui gravida feugiat.

[align=center]TAGS . UPDATED 00/00

Re: pure motives // storage - raiden - 04-10-2018

dae's tags:

Re: pure motives // storage - raiden - 04-11-2018


Re: pure motives // storage - raiden - 04-14-2018

Re: pure motives // storage - purgatory - 04-16-2018

[sup]track w/ dae

Re: pure motives // storage - raiden - 04-16-2018

[align=center][div style=""width:50%;font-family:raavi;font-size:12px;text-align:justify;line-height:130%;text-transform:lowercase;""]basics
— fracturedkit ;; introduces themselves as "cronas" ;; they don't understand the purpose of nicknames but they are welcomed regardless
— non-binary ;; gender neutral pronouns ;; they, them, theirs ;; dmab
— three months ;; june eighth ;; ages realistically
— the typhoon
. betta
. no former allegiances
— dom. feline [birth / main / javanese cat] ;; mental health: 100% ;; physical health: 100% ;; ref.
. fract has a small, lithe form that looks like they could be blown away by the wind at any given moment. they aren't frail, though they do lack in the muscle department; taking on both a masculine and feminine appearance. short off-white fur with dark grey points, their small paws are a darker shade of grey and faded grey stripes - being the same colour as their paws - are present both around their legs and tail. a dark stripe that is also the same color as their paws, start from the top of their head and trail down their spine to the tip of their long, thick tail. despite their short fur, it can be observed that the fur on their tail, chest and sides of their face is longer, arguably giving them a regal look. the insides of their large, pointed ears are a light pink hue, the same colour as their nose and pads. they have a pair of small, thin and slightly curved grey lines right below each eye just above their cheekbone as well as a pair of grey lines (the same size and width as the ones below) on their forehead, just above their eyes. to finished off, a pair of unnatural, very light crystal blue eyes.
— mbti ;; archtype ;; trope ;; trope ;; trope
. Fract has a personality that is very easy to get agitated and annoyed with. Understand, they don't do this for shits and giggles and honestly doesn't have a strong grasp on their nor others emotions yet. They're a blank slate of sorts, having little to no experience when it comes to others and how to socialize properly. Because of their inexperience, they lack empathy and compassion when it is sometimes needed the most. They don't understand a lot of things actually and has to ask how certain events make individuals feel due to them not knowing the proper way to react to the specific situation. Also because they lack emotion and the ability to process it, it also means they don't have to worry about making decisions or judgments based on their emotions. On a more frightening note, because they don't know how to process their emotions, capturing, killing and torturing would come as second nature if someone had told them it is alright to do so. Their blank expression conceals the little emotions they do feel (it's boiled down to three: positive, neutral or negative. How they precisely make them feel is where they start having trouble). But on a less sociopathic note, Fract is very dependent on those they meet and don't instantly drive away because of their nature to be incomprehensible. Their speech and inability to express themselves efficiently is odd to them as well but despite these differences, they are just like any other creature that is trying their hardest to get adjusted to the world. They'd ask a lot of questions as a child would and do their best to understand what goes on around them. With the proper guidance, Fract can and will grow into a knowledgeable young adult though with a rough liftoff, a smooth landing.
. positive traits developing
. neutral traits include being adaptive, obedient, curious, reliant, just and patient
. negative traits developing
— [g1] unknown xx unknown
. created, not born
  - awoke one day and went with it
. no siblings
— children: x
— friends: x
— enemies: x
— trusts: x
— demi-panromantic ;; demi-pansexual
. single
. no past relationships
. not actively looking
. difficult to impress
— ½ __
— no powers
— physically easy ;; mentally easy ;; will not start unnecessary fights ;; won't end fights
— open to minor injuries and plotting ;; closed to death, maim, torture and major injuries
— attack in slateblue ;; can powerplay nonviolent/peaceful acts
— fond of every shade and hue of blue
— fond of various foods; never turns down the option for food
— absolutely terrible sense of time
— speaks in third person; refers to others in third person as well even if speaking to them directly
- ex. "it is not like you could avoid it" -> "it is not like [name] could avoid it"
— thinks everyone is a weird looking cat
— has both male and female reproductive organs
— always ic opinions <3

Re: pure motives // storage - raiden - 04-21-2018

[align=center][div style="&quot;width:50%;font-family:raavi;font-size:12px;text-align:justify;line-height:130%;&quot;"]
one hundred character questions:

Re: pure motives // storage - raiden - 04-21-2018

dae's questions: