Morgan stood poised on a tree trunk, hidden from view in the foliage. He stared at the small crowd, wishing them the best of luck from afar. His task was to stop them from getting the pieces of cloth supplied by the Commander. If any of the participants were unable to bring back a cloth, they were disqualified and had to wait for the next Vigil. While the samoyed did hope everyone would succeed, he knew it was his duty to make sure those who were not ready would know that they were not ready.
The cream dog had laid out many traps of his own design throughout the cemetery. None of the traps were lethal, but they were still dangerous to walk into. Various spots in the cemetery were made muddy - just enough so that Morgan could sprout icy traps straight out of the ground. He scanned the landscape for the spots, memorizing them for if he would need them. He then looked toward the locations of the many cloths hidden in the cemetery, knowing he would have to protect them all. His traps grew in abundance near each cloth for maximum difficulty.
Once Beck finished speaking, the samoyed nodded. The hunt began.
The cream dog had laid out many traps of his own design throughout the cemetery. None of the traps were lethal, but they were still dangerous to walk into. Various spots in the cemetery were made muddy - just enough so that Morgan could sprout icy traps straight out of the ground. He scanned the landscape for the spots, memorizing them for if he would need them. He then looked toward the locations of the many cloths hidden in the cemetery, knowing he would have to protect them all. His traps grew in abundance near each cloth for maximum difficulty.
Once Beck finished speaking, the samoyed nodded. The hunt began.