Beasts of Beyond
REJOICE / 06.28 mask vigil - Printable Version

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REJOICE / 06.28 mask vigil - beck. - 06-28-2018

    As much as the entity's grasp on time-keeping slipped, Beck could at least recognize the moon's many different faces over the course of a month. Tonight, she would be shining down with her full face, no longer obscured by astral shadows. He needed to keep his promise, even if no one could remember what it had been. By the time the sun was sinking below their horizon, Beck had made sure everyone knew to meet him over by the cemetary, hoping the vagueness of it all would lure his peers in. With one thing to cross off from his checklist, the commander set out to finished the next; luckily he had already been working on it for a while. Ransacking abandoned storage units and an costume shop, sifting through discarded junk, trading with outside creatures, and even crafting a few of his own design -- Beck had collected a surplus of masks ranging in all shapes and sizes. Why? In the first raid to retrieve Vladimir, they wore masks. So why not just found a clan, but also spark their traditions? That's how it worked, right?

    Since many of the original members of that first failed raid were missing or deserters, Beck assumed more than half of Tanglewood be needing to recieve masks. He hoped he had accumulated enough for them all. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he continued on his path illuminated by the dying sun towards the cemetary. With a burlap sack stuffed full of various masks dragged along between his teeth, his movements were, for once, ginger in fear of damaging a mask from knocking the bag against a jagged rock or something else. He set the bag of masks down next to the graveyard's low brick wall when he arrived, clambering up onto the wall to keep watch for clanmates soon-to-be approaching. It felt like he was forgetting something though. Beck's head inclined to the side in concentration, running through his mental checklist again before realization made him snap back to attention. Right, he needed his own mask. The tiny commander stooped and outstretched ivory claws to hook the burlap sack of masks, pulling it up just enough for him to fish around and retrieve the mask he had made not too long ago before dropping it back down with a wince. The mask itself was fittingly a ghastly accessory, recycled from the picked-clean skull of a mutant unrecognizable from its bone structure -- perhaps its owner used to be a forbidden mix of a deer and some type of horned monster, evident by carnivorous teeth and two devilish horns jutting from its forehead along with spikes lining its cheeks. Its entire mandible had been wrenched off, and the back of the cranium broken away as well, leaving only a quarter of the skull to be used. With a bit of smoothing, sharpening, and attaching a strap to hold it in place, his mask was complete. Slipping it on, he took a moment to adjust the mask until it rested comfortably on his features just as the Tanglewood inhabitants were trickling in. He was much more visible now with a face of bleached bone than with one of scars and mud-colored fur, their eyes mire easily drawn to him. The poltergeist let out a huff of whistling air, notched ear individually perking up as he listened for a full crowd. It was difficult to smell through a mask, he was learning, but he supposed he would just have to adapt like so many other times.

    When he suspected the entirety of Tanglewood had squeezed into a moonlit audience before him, Beck straightened from his slouch and rasped with practiced words, "Not many of y'all can remember when two months ago, Tanglewood had its first raid to rescue a fella named Vladimir from the Typhoon. Back then, we wore masks to protect our faces, and to give the enemy a fright when he looked at us." Did they understand his reasoning? The mangy feline shrugged it off, his slightly-oversized mask falling lopsided before he quickly re-adjusted it and continued, "Of course, most of ya are new, so ya ain't got a mask -- yet. Tonight, under the full moon, is your chance to earn a mask and fully join Tanglewood." He paused for a ragged breath in order to keep speaking, lungs sore after a day of talking above a mumble. "Since there's so many new folks, all ya need to do for now is go into the cemetary behind me and find a piece of colored cloth I went and hid out there. Probably two or three at a time, right? If ya can bring one back, ya get to choose a mask from this bag. If ya don't by mornin', then ya have to try again next full moon. Got it? Those of y'all with masks already can stay here to watch or help -- or go back to sleep if ya really wanna." Shrill voice scratchy from his long-winded explanation, Beck rose from his perch and crept atop the cemetary wall towards its entrance only a few feet away, frozen paw moving to open up its black-iron gate for the first volunteers to enter.

/ edit because my 3am explanation is probably awful
because theres so many people who are needing masks, its slightly different than whats described in the guide, where your character has to retrieve a cloth instead of lasting through the night (members with masks already, aka morgan and fen, are still allowed to hunt your character)

Re: REJOICE / 06.28 mask vigil - Morgan - 06-28-2018

Morgan stood poised on a tree trunk, hidden from view in the foliage. He stared at the small crowd, wishing them the best of luck from afar. His task was to stop them from getting the pieces of cloth supplied by the Commander. If any of the participants were unable to bring back a cloth, they were disqualified and had to wait for the next Vigil. While the samoyed did hope everyone would succeed, he knew it was his duty to make sure those who were not ready would know that they were not ready.

The cream dog had laid out many traps of his own design throughout the cemetery. None of the traps were lethal, but they were still dangerous to walk into. Various spots in the cemetery were made muddy - just enough so that Morgan could sprout icy traps straight out of the ground. He scanned the landscape for the spots, memorizing them for if he would need them. He then looked toward the locations of the many cloths hidden in the cemetery, knowing he would have to protect them all. His traps grew in abundance near each cloth for maximum difficulty.

Once Beck finished speaking, the samoyed nodded. The hunt began.

Re: REJOICE / 06.28 mask vigil - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-28-2018

Re: REJOICE / 06.28 mask vigil - Bean - 06-28-2018

Re: REJOICE / 06.28 mask vigil - madster - 06-28-2018

malphas was next to approach, crimson eyes narrowed in a weary manner. masks? he knew that stupid dog morgan wore a mask all the fucking time, but he didn't know of any tradition. he even barely knew beck. what even was this clan? he scoffed. masks were stupid, he thought. of course you'd need a mask for your ugly-ass face, malphas followed up, beating himself up before he even entered the graveyard.

i'm a fucking pussy, he thought as he shivered. what a waste of oxygen you are. you're scared. of what? you fucking idiot. the thoughts crossed his mind but he nearly gritted his teeth and continued, following behind iota.

Re: REJOICE / 06.28 mask vigil - BUGGEDOUT! - 06-29-2018

Sluggish footfall of bandaged paws dragged the youngest brat of the group that had accumulated thus far just to get some stupid masks he had heard about when he had last been here. The small wolf had remembered the first gathering to make masks and yet, decided to not participate out of spite or even just lack of interest at that time. Yet, here was Buggy without much regret that he decided to arrive to this little 'arts and crafts' shit Beck thought he was so creative with. But, the young misfit couldn't help plan out what he was going to do with to larger creatures doing fuck knows what to make this even more tedious than it had to be, his eyes flicking to Morgan for a brief moment as he decided tactful evasion would probably be the smartest idea. Not his usual aggressive style, but he found no reason as to why he should be battered up anymore than he was at the moment.

And so, after a moments thought and a roll of the shoulders, Buggy found himself following not all too far behind two unfamiliar people and the one guy...Vinegar. The canid could only venture forth with a lazy grin to keep up a thin cloak of the slight anxiety this whole situation. Nonethless…. he had already begun this strange trial just to get some mask. Fantastic.


Re: REJOICE / 06.28 mask vigil - Morgan - 06-29-2018

Morgan breathed deeply, readying himself to attack. The samoyed waited until he could maximize his trapping range, then let out a sharp breath. Tendrils of water blasted out of the ground around Iota and Buggedout, entangling themselves and freezing in an attempt to form tight cages around the two Tanglers. The icy dog followed up his traps by throwing some quick flurries of snowballs at Malphas and Vigenere.

Re: REJOICE / 06.28 mask vigil - Bean - 06-29-2018

Re: REJOICE / 06.28 mask vigil - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 06-30-2018

Track for now

Re: REJOICE / 06.28 mask vigil - ARGUS - 06-30-2018

Lost to this monster

The night was horrendous. Darkness would always something that Whisper would find comfort in, a pup of her age, small and frail could only find her bearings through the darkness- the abyss of eternity. Night wasn't the same as comlete blackness- the void that Whisper had drifted in for years- the night held no candle, but that in a way was comforting in itself. The light casting off of the cemetery was enough for her to remember that she was alive. Living within the radioactive territory and not stuck in the mind of a demented thing that she used to be. That she made with her first mistake.

The mast vigil was something Whisper was wear about, in the fact that she already had an idea of a mask for herself. Something... precious to her-a skull. One small enough to wrap around the pup's face. She carried it with her tonight, not settleing it on her face just, setting it down. Blue eyes blinking up at beck as they explained- the bag of masks was set down and they let their clanmates run loose within the cemetery and Whisper moved over to beck, setting down the slightly bigger wolf skull down by their feet a gentle- Hold onto this for me. spoken over the hush of the rest of her clanmates rushing within the depths.

Whisper did not see her brother there, and the large giant would have been a comfort to see before she disappeared into the darker parts of the path- but she would make do glancing across those with their masks already. Hardening her resolve as she slipped within the cemetery.

/man yall got me out of inactivity for this ^^;