03-02-2020, 04:14 PM
— Reggan
03-02-2020, 05:00 PM
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sollicitudin congue fermentum. Etiam eu nibh ullamcorper, lobortis magna congue, blandit magna. Integer placerat metus fermentum, scelerisque sem at, mattis quam. Proin justo elit, accumsan et egestas eu, egestas et sem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sodales ullamcorper metus id condimentum. Nulla dictum eros in pharetra cursus. Nulla non tortor nibh.
#psychosocial.Fusce tristique nisi quis pharetra ultrices. Cras faucibus pulvinar ante, at sodales ipsum varius vitae. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla in nibh elementum enim vestibulum ullamcorper. Donec imperdiet nisl a est feugiat, non eleifend elit porta. Fusce tempus ac mi in pretium. Aenean diam lorem, aliquam et tempus id, gravida a sapien. Donec felis enim, pharetra ac porta vel, faucibus non ex. Vivamus facilisis vehicula volutpat. Duis orci ligula, faucibus ut lacus et, ultricies euismod ligula. Praesent placerat, est et lobortis dignissim, urna quam posuere risus, at dapibus magna ante at neque. Nulla erat est, rutrum a nisl at, eleifend condimentum erat. Pellentesque dictum tincidunt nunc non dignissim. Donec ut lobortis justo. Vivamus vitae tincidunt purus. Vestibulum leo turpis, laoreet et leo id, pretium accumsan turpis. Cras in sodales lorem, eu viverra massa. Aliquam imperdiet diam mauris, ut volutpat felis consequat et. Aliquam in placerat quam, sed semper leo. In feugiat suscipit tortor quis aliquam. Aliquam varius quis nulla commodo sollicitudin. Vestibulum et elit lacus. Cras pulvinar diam ut nibh pulvinar auctor. Mauris pellentesque vitae massa viverra porttitor. Proin placerat fermentum tellus eu condimentum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis eget mollis lectus. Vivamus eu mi eget sapien facilisis dictum. In at nisl nec justo euismod luctus et ac turpis. Nunc quam felis, facilisis ut dapibus at, tristique ac neque. Sed a quam vel mi tempor aliquet eu quis tellus. Curabitur consequat efficitur ultrices. Mauris sit amet augue et dolor rhoncus convallis. Mauris in arcu rutrum, venenatis nisi eu, mattis tellus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis sagittis lacus at quam elementum, eget mattis risus tempus. Fusce consequat dolor sit amet consectetur feugiat. Nullam arcu dolor, congue sit amet eros non, maximus rhoncus ipsum. Etiam malesuada lacinia cursus. Duis finibus ut erat pharetra pulvinar. Morbi semper condimentum lorem, eget cursus lacus. Suspendisse gravida, dui a ultrices finibus, purus sapien egestas metus, eget malesuada sapien ex sit amet lacus. Etiam urna sem, vulputate vitae lacus nec, vehicula efficitur nibh. Nunc tristique, neque in consectetur dictum, dolor odio scelerisque arcu, vitae euismod nisl neque et nisl. Curabitur risus nunc, molestie in lacinia eu, rhoncus sit amet diam. Donec iaculis diam enim, eget ultricies arcu lacinia vel. Aliquam in dapibus odio. Etiam nec est risus. Maecenas convallis tellus vitae sapien porta, a porta mauris congue. [div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #722227; font-size: 24px;"][color=#c16f78]— AURUM — Reggan
03-10-2020, 07:46 PM
[shadow=black,right]PARENT[/shadow] xx [shadow=black,right]PARENT[/shadow]
[table][tr] [td] PARENT is a rank of group. PARENT INFO HERE [/td] RELATIONS: [td] PARENT is a rank of group. PARENT INFO HERE [/td][/tr][/table] RELATIONS: [shadow=black,right]STORY[/shadow] TEXT HERE [shadow=black,right]PLOT(S)[/shadow] TEXT HERE [shadow=black,right]GENETICS[/shadow] TEXT HERE [shadow=black,right]RULES[/shadow] TEXT HERE [shadow=black,right]SLOTS[/shadow] character — gender — group — roleplayer character — gender — group — roleplayer character — gender — group — roleplayer ADD OR SUBTRACT INFO/SLOTS AS NEEDED psychosocial. / edited by gorgon
Code: [align=center][div style="width: 500px; height: 200px; background-image: url(http://placehold.it/500x200.png); background-size: cover;"][/div] ok, if you want the image to be taller, just ask and ill fix it cx THERE WILL COME A SOLDIER, WHO CARRIES A MIGHTY SWORD
( kenny — 18 years — male — married — kenneth#2882 ) [shadow=black,right]AURUM[/shadow] xx [shadow=black,right]DRAEKON[/shadow]
[table][tr] [td] Aurum is the proxy of Tanglewood. He also possesses the titles of berserker, revenant, and gatorbait. [/td]Aurum's current body is a large female tigon with orange and amber colored stripes and a cream base pelt. The body has long black claws and bright blue eyes, although he is missing his right eye. RELATIONS: [td] Draekon is a debutante of The Pitt. [/td][/tr][/table]Draekon's current body is an average sized male melanistic tiger with thick black stripes and bright blue eyes. He also has a third eye in the middle of his forehead, which is of a purple coloration. RELATIONS: [shadow=black,right]STORY[/shadow] Many months ago, when Aurum first joined Tanglewood under the name Wormwood, he was listless and angry, having only arrived at the swamp dwelling group to follow his brother, Poetking. As such, Aurum often found himself wandering into the loner lands, believing that Tanglewood would never really be his true home. On one of these trips, he met Draekon, a new member of the Pitt who, while traumatized into a near feral state and not able to truly talk due to a throat injury, still managed to charm him. Aurum and Draekon began meeting up regularly, until eventually there was a rescue raid by Tanglewood on the Pitt, in order to rescue two of their members who had been kidnapped, Beck and Sam. As it turned out, Draekon had been the one to kidnap Sam, in an attempt to be her friend, unaware that she would be tortured. During this rescue raid, Draekon attacked the ardent of the Pitt at the time, Jervis, betraying the group and trying to make up for his past crimes. Shortly after this, he fled the Pitt and went to Tanglewood to be with Aurum. However, due to him being a former Pittian and the one to kidnap Sam, he was welcomed with hostility, and went into hiding. Aurum was unaware of this, thinking that Draekon had simply abandoned him. Many months passed while Draekon was in hiding, and during this period Aurum became a well known member of Tanglewood, rising up the ranks and forming family bonds with not only Moth, his adoptive sister, but also Roy, his adoptive son. Eventually Aurum was promoted to proxy due to his hard work and dedication, and thought that his life was finally winding down after the mass raid on the Pitt to overthrow Jervis. Exhausted from his constant working and worrying, Aurum once again found himself in the loner lands, alone and drained after several stressful events. This was when Draekon revealed himself, in a new body and a less feral state. The two of them reconciled, with Draekon explaining to Aurum that he had gone into hiding in order to not cause Aurum trouble, but had never stopped watching from afar. Overwhelmed with emotion and ecstatic to see one another again, Aurum and Draekon slept together, with Aurum becoming pregnant as a result of this. Now, a couple of weeks later, Aurum – with the help of Moth – has realized he is pregnant, stuck in his female tigon body until the cubs arrive. Aurum has yet to tell anyone except for Moth about the pregnancy, but the first telltale signs are beginning to appear. He has come up with a cover story where Draekon is a loner he met and slept with, since he knows Draekon still would probably not be welcomed within Tanglewood. [shadow=black,right]PLOT(S)[/shadow] There are currently no set plots for these children, however a few things will happen shortly after their birth. For one thing, Aurum is an angel, which means that these children will be nephilim. This will mean that they could develop powers in the future, or may grow wings to show their status as such. In addition to this, shortly after their birth, Draekon will join Tanglewood in his unfamiliar body and under a cover name, posing as the loner Aurum slept with. This is so that the two of them can raise the cubs together within Tanglewood without issue, and the cubs will be loved very dearly. [shadow=black,right]GENETICS[/shadow] The genetics for this litter are nearly free for all, with the children being ti-tigons thanks to their father being a tiger and their mother being a tigon. They can possess their mother's cream and amber coloration, or may possess their father's white and black coloration, or may have a coloration completely unlike either of their parents. In addition to this, since the children will be nephilim, they can be born with some unusual traits, provided you have the mutations, such as small horns, wings, or extra eyes like their father. [shadow=black,right]RULES[/shadow] ☆ There is no set naming theme for this litter, but loner names are preferred as the father, Draekon, prefers them. ☆ This is by no means required, but bonus points will be given if you use the names Amour, Taegue, or Asvini. These are the names of Draekon's deceased siblings, and he would like to name at least one of his children after them. ☆ Please be at least semi-active with these children! We definitely know that school and work and unexpected events can get in the way, but at least 8 posts a month is preferred. ☆ Please don't kill off these children before they're at least 6 months old! Or contact Stilly or Gorgon if you have a plot idea that involves them dying before this point. ☆ Real time aging is preferred, but not required. They will start at 2 months. ☆ They are not required to stay in Tanglewood until adulthood, but it is preferred that you contact Stilly or Gorgon if you have a plot involving them leaving Tanglewood. ☆ Gorgon and I have a right to rehome your child if you do not follow these rules. [shadow=black,right]SLOTS[/shadow] character — gender — tanglewood — roleplayer character — gender — tanglewood — roleplayer character — gender — tanglewood — roleplayer character — gender — tanglewood — roleplayer [size=4pt]psychosocial. / edited by gorgon
03-14-2020, 09:00 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-14-2020, 09:01 PM by michael t..)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam quis commodo orci, ac aliquam quam. Fusce auctor massa sit amet urna pretium pellentesque. Nulla eleifend, nulla sit amet auctor ultrices, tellus elit aliquam risus, ut gravida augue erat quis dui. Mauris finibus rhoncus libero, non varius mi tincidunt eu. Mauris et dignissim lectus, et cursus dolor. Fusce vitae ipsum molestie, sodales risus et, lacinia risus. Sed sit amet pretium elit. Maecenas accumsan et libero a suscipit. Vivamus accumsan, enim eget molestie pretium, diam lectus dictum eros, at hendrerit mauris elit a risus. Aliquam pellentesque fringilla urna vitae aliquam. Sed in finibus dolor, ut vulputate lorem. Pellentesque laoreet tincidunt ex, eu faucibus lectus consequat quis. Etiam tincidunt purus sapien, quis ullamcorper orci congue sit amet. Maecenas eu nunc ac neque tempor gravida. Nulla lacinia ornare laoreet. Vestibulum blandit libero elit, et congue arcu facilisis non. Nullam ultrices lacus non nisi condimentum venenatis. Curabitur porta, sem laoreet posuere pulvinar, magna turpis gravida quam, id tincidunt metus quam nec neque. Cras viverra accumsan ultrices. Cras eget lacus sit amet sem sodales bibendum quis vel ipsum. Phasellus nisi arcu, sollicitudin non interdum ut, vehicula at nibh. Sed et dapibus metus. Etiam quis nulla sed est laoreet luctus id sit amet arcu. Proin pretium, nisi a cursus varius, nibh nunc condimentum augue, ut congue mi ex vitae justo. Donec nec sem non elit congue pretium. Proin eu velit sit amet erat cursus auctor. Fusce facilisis posuere ex, vel posuere dui vulputate eget. Donec varius libero viverra, euismod sem vitae, tristique felis. Aliquam ullamcorper porttitor ex a efficitur. Curabitur id sapien sodales, facilisis turpis sit amet, fringilla metus. Donec orci lectus, vestibulum mattis ligula id, pulvinar semper est. Maecenas convallis dignissim arcu, vel accumsan libero. Vivamus scelerisque nulla lobortis enim fermentum, non commodo nulla suscipit. Nunc convallis massa quam, nec egestas sem mattis nec. Fusce eleifend purus ac leo lobortis, at iaculis diam placerat. Nulla vestibulum dui ut elit posuere pharetra. Phasellus gravida tortor in arcu dignissim venenatis. Phasellus suscipit tempor nibh feugiat consequat. Ut velit odio, molestie a condimentum nec, malesuada in nibh. Pellentesque odio nibh, fringilla sed velit non, venenatis pulvinar arcu. In aliquet gravida tristique. Proin at dignissim ex. Quisque volutpat placerat mi. Nullam posuere sed libero in viverra. Duis dignissim dolor in lorem iaculis dignissim. "Etiam quis dui diam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc gravida ultricies tortor sollicitudin pulvinar. Nullam vehicula tincidunt gravida. Cras a ornare mauris, volutpat scelerisque est." [glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] — Reggan
03-15-2020, 07:14 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-15-2020, 07:15 PM by hushsound..)
[glow=#578aab,2,300]❝ HIDING IN SHADOWS CAN YOU FIGHT YOUR DEMONS, ♡ 20 months & wolf & the typhoon [glow=#396765,2,300]———— can you face yourself? ❞ [glow=#245dce,2,300]❝ HIDING IN SHADOWS CAN YOU FIGHT YOUR DEMONS, ♡ 29 months & marked by fate [glow=#3b6b5c,2,300]———— can you face yourself? ❞
03-15-2020, 08:04 PM
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nec maximus massa. Vestibulum lobortis nisi ac ligula hendrerit, quis interdum leo interdum. Mauris et sem id lacus vestibulum elementum vitae iaculis ex. Donec sit amet facilisis metus. Vivamus imperdiet ut ipsum in accumsan. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris quis augue ac quam ultrices feugiat. Morbi aliquam rutrum ipsum et vestibulum. Integer tristique diam eros, vel consequat nunc feugiat et. Vestibulum facilisis pellentesque purus at scelerisque.
Fusce et laoreet lectus. Aenean sed enim malesuada, venenatis ipsum in, laoreet metus. Sed quis pellentesque purus, vitae sagittis diam. Pellentesque eu mollis nibh. Praesent sed tellus tortor. Aliquam ullamcorper ac nunc id pretium. Suspendisse potenti. In vehicula a libero at pulvinar. Aliquam facilisis condimentum pulvinar. Cras orci ante, commodo ut leo ut, auctor pulvinar purus. Nam quis vulputate dui. Proin mattis porta scelerisque. Pellentesque sapien dui, facilisis sed justo ut, facilisis pellentesque lectus. Ut finibus bibendum arcu a pharetra. Vestibulum euismod varius massa et suscipit. Integer aliquam ligula quis diam malesuada, ut malesuada turpis congue. Praesent in neque quis nisi elementum commodo vitae in nisi. Maecenas at auctor augue. Fusce vitae semper ipsum. Nullam vel neque rhoncus, imperdiet augue eu, fringilla odio. Morbi vitae nulla eleifend, sodales risus ut, venenatis enim. Etiam ut lectus ut nunc accumsan elementum et non metus. Mauris ut sapien vitae turpis commodo semper at semper nunc. Donec ipsum augue, semper ut nibh ac, consectetur auctor libero. Donec nisi libero, porta eget elit et, ultrices hendrerit libero. Curabitur gravida orci ac justo dapibus vulputate. Maecenas lobortis suscipit nibh, quis tempus urna posuere nec. Maecenas eu mauris neque. Morbi id lectus eu erat malesuada pretium vel ac quam. Sed pulvinar venenatis pulvinar. Nullam condimentum, leo ac convallis luctus, tellus metus commodo sem, ac luctus risus felis et ipsum. Duis velit enim, blandit et orci non, condimentum gravida risus. Aliquam quis rutrum sapien, sed lobortis diam. Duis in rutrum ipsum. Maecenas tristique purus nec sapien sollicitudin pretium. Praesent in commodo nunc. Nulla condimentum rutrum justo, ac vehicula velit rhoncus at. Nunc ut sem ac nulla imperdiet congue eget sit amet dui. Ut ornare metus quam, aliquet efficitur mi ullamcorper cursus. "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc a nulla pharetra, finibus mi nec, maximus elit. Maecenas consequat, massa id dapibus posuere, odio arcu ultricies mi, ac consectetur magna nisl a lacus." Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc a nulla pharetra, finibus mi nec, maximus elit. Maecenas consequat, massa id dapibus posuere, odio arcu ultricies mi, ac consectetur magna nisl a lacus. [glow=black,2,300]FOR YOU HAVE A DEMON TO SLAY[/glow] [glow=#245dce,2,300]❝ HIDING IN SHADOWS CAN YOU FIGHT YOUR DEMONS, ♡ 29 months & marked by fate [glow=#3b6b5c,2,300]———— can you face yourself? ❞
03-15-2020, 08:49 PM
( kenny — 18 years — male — married — kenneth#2882 ) |