Pincher was rather confused on how to give out orders that were mainly optional. The young male was used to giving ones that were mandatory such as coming with him in a raid or to find a weapon for them to own for protection. So weekly tasks as well as ooc prompts were a bit of something new to him, a part of Typhoon he had implemented since the group had become bigger and he knew that some members needed a sense of direction on what they should be doing. The cosmic black colored canine was stepping out of the tavern, his jaws clamped around a lit cigarette as Pincher puffed out steady small clouds of smoke with each intake. Luckily with the sea right next to them, the sharp winds easily snatched any trace of the smoke for it to be harmful to others unless they were right in front of him. Reaching the large turtle statue at the center of the bay, the captain went into a sitting position with his back pressing against the cold statue’s skin, enjoying it before it turned hot with the peak of the sun. ”Weekly tasks and ooc prompts, come and get ‘em while they’re hot!” called the blue-eyed pirate, his pointed devilish like ears pricked as he waited for the soft sound of footsteps on sand to reach him.
ooc | you can either ask for a weekly task or ooc prompt or both!
ooc | you can either ask for a weekly task or ooc prompt or both!
the ruby sunset waters hide a resurrected lover