03-22-2021, 09:10 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-22-2021, 09:11 AM by JADEIRE ELLEFSEN.)
♣ jadeire ellefsen | jade | 13 month old brit | direwolf hybrid ♣
"knights, execute order 66"
IC TEXT | IC opinions
they left-they left. someone else came and chased them away. she stumbled off the unconscious body of her mother and collapsed, the adrenaline holding her up now releasing her and stripping her from her strength. she wanted to close her eyes oh yes she did but someone was talking to her, asking her what happened. she didn't know. "i'm sorry, i-i don't know. i saw it rip her eye out." she murmured, briefly noticing how he trembled and her mother seemed to breathe in a bit lighter. "one, i don't know what happened. i was too late-i should h ave been there for her. i should have been faster. i'm scared, one. what if they come back? will she die?" she was a quivering mess but he asked gently if she could help keep margo's wing in place and the hybrid nodded slowly, shakily getting up to her paws and attempting to hurry over, her wings dragging deep grooves and making her wince. "o-okay, i can do this. i'm sorry." she knew she was going into shock but her mother came first. she would try to stay awake until she heard the words of confirmation slip from one's lips that margaret ellefsen would be okay. not really knowing what to do she just kind of straddled the wing with her forepaws, careful not to break any more feathers that were already damaged in the fight. hopefully the closeness of her paws together would give margo resistance should her wing want to move. spreaden out the hind legs a bit to keep balance, jade.