01-13-2021, 05:33 PM
Bullitt Sky | 3 years
Bullitt now looked at Kuragori after looking at Mordred Naughtlus. He watched them not wanting to fight. "It seems, my ways have gotten me into trouble. He carefully worded not wanting to be killed. He then looked at Mordred again. "You don't have to worry about me harming any of you, there is only one jaguar that I would harm and she's no where near here." Bullitt added.
Bullitt then turned his attention back to Kuragori, but he didn't say anything. Bullitt was paying more attention to Gremlin than anything, he wanted to see if he would do anything.
Bullitt then turned his attention back to Kuragori, but he didn't say anything. Bullitt was paying more attention to Gremlin than anything, he wanted to see if he would do anything.