01-13-2021, 01:16 AM
[align=center]Taking life away from a living being was always something that intrigued the hybrid. Even when he was just a young chick, it puzzled him so. What did death feel like? What did those whose life was slipping away experience in those final seconds of life? Watching his mother die at the hands of an unknown sickness was something that had been nothing less than traumatic for him as a child, but at the same time, it taught him something important. Life was nothing to be wasted. Any day, at any moment, it could be robbed from you, whether it be at the knife edge of some other being or nature herself. Perhaps Kura had been too fascinated with it, knowing what he had done in the past. The crimes he had committed against mother nature was something that didn't come easy to someone who was... well, normal, he guessed. You had to be very certain of what you were about to do when you took a life- at least, that's what Kuragori thought.
He could barely remember what happened on the night he killed his ex-partner, it was so long ago now. He did, however remember how he felt afterwards. There was a rush of shock, fear, and sadness at first. These emotions ran like ice through his blood, even now as he walked through the brush with a cold look on his face. Then afterwards, it was a flood of relief... euphoria. Almost as if it wasn't real. There's no possible way he could have just... killed someone... but he did. And after that? Kura just let go of it all. There was really nothing to say or feel after that, it was over and that was that. Any murders he committed after that felt like nothing to him. Yes, killing Jie had changed him forever. Whether it was a good or bad thing was up to whoever controlled who went to heaven and hell... if they even existed.
Kuragori hadn't been down to the beach in quite a while. It wasn't like he hated the beach or anything, not at all. He really just didn't like the reminder that they weren't in a tropical climate anymore. Afterall, this beach was nothing like the ones in their old home. That was a whole different conversation that he didn't really want to get into now though. "Someone new? I thought I could smell someone unfamiliar around here..." The owl griffin would hoot as he landed softly in front of the jaguar, eyeing the blood on his paws. Tipping his head and flicking his tail, a look of curiosity etched its way on his face. "Been up to no good, I see." His tone was a mix of darkness and amusement, a smirk on his beak. There was no trace of surprise or shock in his voice as he spoke. After all, there were outlaws and criminals of all kinds here- himself included. "Who are you and what business do you have with the Coalition? I don't have all day, you know."
He could barely remember what happened on the night he killed his ex-partner, it was so long ago now. He did, however remember how he felt afterwards. There was a rush of shock, fear, and sadness at first. These emotions ran like ice through his blood, even now as he walked through the brush with a cold look on his face. Then afterwards, it was a flood of relief... euphoria. Almost as if it wasn't real. There's no possible way he could have just... killed someone... but he did. And after that? Kura just let go of it all. There was really nothing to say or feel after that, it was over and that was that. Any murders he committed after that felt like nothing to him. Yes, killing Jie had changed him forever. Whether it was a good or bad thing was up to whoever controlled who went to heaven and hell... if they even existed.
Kuragori hadn't been down to the beach in quite a while. It wasn't like he hated the beach or anything, not at all. He really just didn't like the reminder that they weren't in a tropical climate anymore. Afterall, this beach was nothing like the ones in their old home. That was a whole different conversation that he didn't really want to get into now though. "Someone new? I thought I could smell someone unfamiliar around here..." The owl griffin would hoot as he landed softly in front of the jaguar, eyeing the blood on his paws. Tipping his head and flicking his tail, a look of curiosity etched its way on his face. "Been up to no good, I see." His tone was a mix of darkness and amusement, a smirk on his beak. There was no trace of surprise or shock in his voice as he spoke. After all, there were outlaws and criminals of all kinds here- himself included. "Who are you and what business do you have with the Coalition? I don't have all day, you know."
"as the stars start to align, i hope you will take it as a sign that you will be ok"
the dead/missing: atlanticpaw