01-08-2021, 11:48 PM
Soon enough Gael and Aurum arrived at the meeting place, her ears twitching lightly as she gave the vulpine a curt nod only to shift her mismatched gaze over to Aurum feeling her whiskers twitch. She was a bit uneasy about Aurum being leader after his reckless actions within the last meeting but she knew that there was more to him than some big brute, she would smile with exhausted nodding slowly as she spoke "Congratulations Aurum... Just don't act stupid anymore." Although, Roxanne couldn't say much given how reckless she could be though the Captain would be sure to make smarter choices especially after the war. "I guess we've both became the head honchos of our group... I'm Captain Roxanne now," She would let them take that information and let it sink in that moment, a soft sigh leaving her parted maw as she glanced over at Rhinestonestar with an uncaring eye and flick one of her ears. "Hello there." It was short and dry response but, at least, she didn't ignore the individual which would've been her first decision to do. Her eyes wouldn't even fixate on the serval, no, it was survey the meeting place and locked onto Ninazu as she approached the scene as a big raptor.
Letting out a snort, Roxanne would nudge her sister Rosemary as a smirk formed itself on her face, the draconic feline would rise to her paws standing her ground "Glad to see you had the balls to show up, Ninass." Her fluffy tail would lash to the sides hearing as the other spoke and then hearing that Stryker had yet to return made a shit eating grin appear on her maw along with a mischievous twinkle in her mismatched eyes "Wow, ain't that a kick in the nuts. I'd say I feel bad but really I'm growing fond of the small decoration that I've added onto my gates, I'd say you should pay him a visit but you aren't exactly welcomed om my beaches and well, you'd be killed on sight, toots." After, she said that would she sit down once more not seeming to care that she was being an outright bitch to the leader of the Condemned, she didn't give any fucks and she would keep it that way.
She only snorted at what Ninazu said next but made no other comments, she would let everyone else have a jab if they wanted but Roxanne felt content with herself even if hanging the head of someone's husband on the gates of her own home was rather brutal. She did not care. She would lead the way she wanted and if anyone had an issue with it then they could suck it.
Letting out a snort, Roxanne would nudge her sister Rosemary as a smirk formed itself on her face, the draconic feline would rise to her paws standing her ground "Glad to see you had the balls to show up, Ninass." Her fluffy tail would lash to the sides hearing as the other spoke and then hearing that Stryker had yet to return made a shit eating grin appear on her maw along with a mischievous twinkle in her mismatched eyes "Wow, ain't that a kick in the nuts. I'd say I feel bad but really I'm growing fond of the small decoration that I've added onto my gates, I'd say you should pay him a visit but you aren't exactly welcomed om my beaches and well, you'd be killed on sight, toots." After, she said that would she sit down once more not seeming to care that she was being an outright bitch to the leader of the Condemned, she didn't give any fucks and she would keep it that way.
She only snorted at what Ninazu said next but made no other comments, she would let everyone else have a jab if they wanted but Roxanne felt content with herself even if hanging the head of someone's husband on the gates of her own home was rather brutal. She did not care. She would lead the way she wanted and if anyone had an issue with it then they could suck it.