01-06-2021, 10:35 PM
She kept her distance as she came to this gathering, the charcoal king cheetah walking with care as she arrived with a light frown on her muzzle. The last time she had seen any Typhooner or even a Pitt member it had been when she had been fighting in the name of the Coalition. But now here she stood as the second in command of Tanglewood. Her croc skull covered her facial features as she settled off to the side, painted fur looking a bit ruffled. She didn't know what to expect from this gathering and truthfully she still held much agitation about what she heard of the other one. The death of both the Tanglewood and Elysium leaders had been a tragedy and one triggered because of unnecessary strain. One did not risk lives unless it was necessary and these lives lost would be felt for a long time to come. With a slow motion of her head vivid green orbs looked for her leader before she returned such eyes toward those that were gathering. For the most part she was merely here to observe and just see where everything would go.