12-06-2020, 02:13 AM
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There was a sympathy, false as it was as the spiked prehistoric beast spoke: a stranger trying to gain pity. "[glow=#212121,2,200]You're anger is understandable, you were abandoned, Dante.[/glow]" Such a fimiluar tone in Timbre's words, in his voice, he cocked his own head slightly, a mirror as he stepped out of his brother's own aggressive stance, the weariness falling away, but fever bright sickly red eyes stared on. "[glow=#212121,2,200]You are in a place of opportunity, this is the land of the unwanted, of the damned. We are a family here, if you're looking for a place to stay, we will welcome you to it.[/glow]" They were never one to snuff at the extra hands, the bodies of cannon fodder. It was simply their way: they could not be picky in the war their father started. A sly glance towards his brother before he regarded the stranger-dante again. a slow smile along his maw.
"[glow=#212121,2,200]My name's Timbre, Tim- if that's easier[/glow]" Timbre offered a welcoming kind of smile as he regarding the other, a charm fell from the lion's own lips as he looked towards them. It wouldn't be the first time they had smiled so dismissively, seeing it so closely on their father's own face when he regarded their allies- and enemies alike.