04-11-2020, 01:04 PM
H I S T O R Y / M I L E S T O N E S
ooc | adoption thread
29 FEB | birth - born as the second son of selby and moth; thin and bony, silent at birth
interaction with beck - "bodies die, but words live forever", fondness of the cosmos established, fear of graveyards established
meets goldenluxury - first interaction with a member/leader of an allied clan, learns that she is expecting kits
introduction of belka-strelka - ivan discovers three eggs (weekly prompt), he adopts the two-headed eagle after watching it kill its siblings, he does this because he thinks his father thinks its the right thing to do, establishment of his desire to be like selby
interaction with caustic - ivan finds caustic in one of his experiments, establishes a morbid fascination and desire to philosophically oppose caustic, will later turn into a sort of mutual admiration and respect
typhoon cubs prank - ivan interacts with his distant cousins, sediments his dislike of foreigners, hint that he is red-green colorblind
private interaction with caustic - ivan discovers that he admires caustic and finds himself seeking his approval, realizes that caustic recognizes and encourages his genius
private interaction with mercede - is made acutely aware of his heavily masculine influences, doesn't know how to act around females, discovers the past about jervis, somewhat enchanted by mercede
ivan collects his teeth - made aware that he does not want to be socially ostracized or seen as "weird"
meets his grandfather - ivan is drawn to him, noticing that he must have a tragic/interesting background, sees similarities to himself
MAMA transformation, see his injured mother - ivan faints, becomes wary of aurum afterwards
ooc | adoption thread
29 FEB | birth - born as the second son of selby and moth; thin and bony, silent at birth
interaction with beck - "bodies die, but words live forever", fondness of the cosmos established, fear of graveyards established
meets goldenluxury - first interaction with a member/leader of an allied clan, learns that she is expecting kits
introduction of belka-strelka - ivan discovers three eggs (weekly prompt), he adopts the two-headed eagle after watching it kill its siblings, he does this because he thinks his father thinks its the right thing to do, establishment of his desire to be like selby
interaction with caustic - ivan finds caustic in one of his experiments, establishes a morbid fascination and desire to philosophically oppose caustic, will later turn into a sort of mutual admiration and respect
typhoon cubs prank - ivan interacts with his distant cousins, sediments his dislike of foreigners, hint that he is red-green colorblind
private interaction with caustic - ivan discovers that he admires caustic and finds himself seeking his approval, realizes that caustic recognizes and encourages his genius
private interaction with mercede - is made acutely aware of his heavily masculine influences, doesn't know how to act around females, discovers the past about jervis, somewhat enchanted by mercede
ivan collects his teeth - made aware that he does not want to be socially ostracized or seen as "weird"
meets his grandfather - ivan is drawn to him, noticing that he must have a tragic/interesting background, sees similarities to himself
MAMA transformation, see his injured mother - ivan faints, becomes wary of aurum afterwards