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you and whose army | ivan roux - Printable Version

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you and whose army | ivan roux - Ivan - 02-25-2020

ivan roux

[Image: tiny_pixel_ivan.png]TAGS

— ivan roux / tanglewood / member
— male / heterosexual (likely)
— son of selby and moth / born 29 feb (timeskipped two months)
— oriental maine coon mix / black fur / blue-green eyes
— suffers from severe deuteranopia, severe limp favoring left side

— introverted - approach with caution
— purposefully self-contradictory / purposefully argumentative and inflammatory
— cold / rational / intellectual / philosopher / realist who lacks the will to act
— fiercely opposed to people who harm innocents / doubts faith in supernatural (i.e. ghosts, demons, angels)

— pathetically easy in battle / no powers
— can powerplay peaceful actions / played by [member=46]Felibri[/member]

Re: you and whose army ?? IVAN ROUX - TANGLEWOOD - Ivan - 02-29-2020

[div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 12px; font-family: arial;"]ivan roux

[Image: tiny_pixel_ivan.png] BIOGRAPHY

IDENTIFICATION - arbitrary parts
[align=right]The centripetal force on our planet is still fearfully strong, Alyosha.
I have a longing for life, and I go on living in spite of logic.
name || ivan roux
pronunciation || ee-vahn roo
* "ivan" should not be pronounced with the "i" being said as "eye". in the slavic pronunciation, it is an "ee" as in "reed" with a soft "ah" for the "a" vowel

origin of name || he was christened after a classical book character, like all of his siblings were. ivan's namesake is ivan fyodorovich karamazov from the brothers karamazov by fyodor dostoevsky. other origins include:
* a slavic variant of the greek iohannes meaning “god is gracious
* a general term for soviets during world war ii

sex || male
sexuality || heterosexual

allegiance || tanglewood by birth
social position || child
father || selby roux
mother || moth (deceased)
brothers || beck (adopted), quentin, atticus, winston, simon
sister || alice
grandfather || crow roux (selby)
uncle || aurum (adopted; moth)
cousins || asvini, chirin, goldnugget, taegue (aurum)

CHARACTER DESIGN - arrogant gauntness
Though I may not believe in the order of the universe, yet I love the sticky little leaves as they open in spring. I love the blue sky, I love some people, whom one loves you know sometimes without knowing why.
[b]species ||[/b] domestic feline
breed || oriental-maine coon mix
build || slender, tall, bony
typical posture || regal, refined, self-composed
resting expression || vague annoyance
pelt || black
eye color || green-blue
abnormalities || severe deuteranopia colorblindness, polydactyl on his left front paw, unnatural swaying gait with left shoulder higher after injury during tremors

at birth, ivan looks properly like a runt. there's nothing quite special about him. his fur is a sharp black, dark enough to swallow up any tabby markings he genetically has. he's also unimpressive in his build, being one of the skinnier and lankier kittens. he does grow — upwards rather than outwards. what he lacks in weight, he has in in hight.

ivan does not particularly look formidable or scary, but there is an acute sharpness in his facial features that radiates his confidence and arrogance. his ears are large and triangular. his cheeks and the bridge of his nose are sharply curved, evidence of his oriental ancestry. the maine coon shows in the weak mane around his neck and his bushy tail. his eyes are large and usually narrowed. they say eyes are the windows to one's soul, though one would have difficulty telling the color in ivan's eyes, for in one instant they seem blue, in another they are green, and sometimes it looks like both!

CHARACTERISATION - the tortured soul
I love some great deeds done by men, though I’ve long ceased perhaps to have faith in them, yet from old habit one’s heart prizes them.

personality type || intp - "the logician"
key traits || sulky, loyal, restless, secretive, logical, turbulent

aspirations || wants to feel loved, wants to feel that he matters, wants to know he has a place in the universe
obstacles || being too logical and analytical hampers his ability to sympathize or find spiritual meaning

his character quest || to feel at peace within his own mind and life

arc || ivan is less of an actor and more of a thinker. he has an acute intellectual side to him that can be seen in his early years. for the most part, he comes up with these things by himself. when he learns to read, he begins to incorporate these other ideas or completely dismiss them. he looses much of his kittenhood with this, and this is the cursed card he has been dealt by life. ivan experiences many pitfalls in his life and tends to pick people close to him to anchor himself to. special friends are far and few. once he likes someone, it's difficult for him to think otherwise of them.

ivan struggles to find spiritual meaning in his ever insistent life of reasoning and logic. his life is characterized by a poor sense of irony and the struggle of trying to come to terms with the type of world he has been born into. he is frequently fraught by despair of the implications of his reasoning. he may come off as standoffish and uses his blunt humor to cope. he is fickle with his thoughts and speaks without even really understanding them or believing in them. he uses this to make himself feel smart and powerful. his life is not driven by ambition or desire or even love. for the most part, his wants and needs line up. ivan tries and fails to fill the schism in his heart by reasoning his way through it, but it tears him apart even more.

the double-headed eagle || ivan found this eagle while observing three golden eagle eggs in a nest. the double-headed eagle hatched first and killed its siblings and then inadvertently imprinted on ivan. ivan decided to keep the double-headed eagle, but holds little emotional connection to it and sometimes rejects it. he has no name for it currently. the double-headed eagle is female.

Re: you and whose army | ivan roux - Ivan - 03-13-2020

[Image: tiny_pixel_ivan.png]AESTHETIC STORAGE

Space race - symbolizing his fascination with science and human capabilities, trumping over traditional views of heaven
Academia (glasses, books, chalkboards) - symbolizing his great fondness of history and philosophy
Dante’s Inferno - symbolizing his flirtation with the concept of sin, mortality and his gradual self-induced spiral
Black cat - he is a black cat and they are traditionally seen as witches companions, not to be trusted
Soviet Russia
Byzantine Empire


by felibri:
by tricky:
by kinglykingstone:
by Tony:

Re: you and whose army | ivan roux - Ivan - 04-11-2020

H I S T O R Y  /  M I L E S T O N E S

ooc | adoption thread

29 FEB | birth - born as the second son of selby and moth; thin and bony, silent at birth

interaction with beck - "bodies die, but words live forever", fondness of the cosmos established, fear of graveyards established
meets goldenluxury - first interaction with a member/leader of an allied clan, learns that she is expecting kits
introduction of belka-strelka - ivan discovers three eggs (weekly prompt), he adopts the two-headed eagle after watching it kill its siblings, he does this because he thinks his father thinks its the right thing to do, establishment of his desire to be like selby
interaction with caustic - ivan finds caustic in one of his experiments, establishes a morbid fascination and desire to philosophically oppose caustic, will later turn into a sort of mutual admiration and respect
typhoon cubs prank - ivan interacts with his distant cousins, sediments his dislike of foreigners, hint that he is red-green colorblind
private interaction with caustic - ivan discovers that he admires caustic and finds himself seeking his approval, realizes that caustic recognizes and encourages his genius
private interaction with mercede - is made acutely aware of his heavily masculine influences, doesn't know how to act around females, discovers the past about jervis, somewhat enchanted by mercede
ivan collects his teeth - made aware that he does not want to be socially ostracized or seen as "weird"
meets his grandfather - ivan is drawn to him, noticing that he must have a tragic/interesting background, sees similarities to himself
MAMA transformation, see his injured mother - ivan faints, becomes wary of aurum afterwards