02-04-2020, 09:45 PM
[font=trebuchet ms]There were a bunch of children at the border- all of them bearing a scent she didn't recognize. Were they from a new group? That was an odd way to make a first impression, if so. Around here, it was common for either the leader or one of the officials to introduce the group, so unless one or more of these kids were high positions... well, either way, she would have some questions.
Approaching the group gathered at the border, Rin gave a nod to each of them in turn, then glanced over at Valerian. He had taken care of the initial questions, so she'd wait until the kids answered to continue.
Approaching the group gathered at the border, Rin gave a nod to each of them in turn, then glanced over at Valerian. He had taken care of the initial questions, so she'd wait until the kids answered to continue.
tags (06/13/20):