11-29-2018, 03:03 PM
------- Much like Kit had anticipated, the head-strong nature of Agathe Asyhver bore strong as she quickly retorted her stance to Sunhaven's offer. Atticus listened quietly as they spoke, his tail idly flicking as he considered in depth. So, this Buckingham was not only apologizing for the precious transgressions of his people, but he now also led them? Whereas Agatge saw this as a challenge, Kit found something rather admirable within it. His expression remained neutral as Agathe glanced to him, returning the slight glance for a,moment as she,beckoned him to follow her as she walkes away. So, that was it, was it? A potential to discuss politics with the rest of the Clan, when she herself had already made it very clear what she thought on the matter? Yet, he could respect it. It would need,to be a discussion, a descicion for all of them to make, not only conaidering the raids, murders, and attacka, but because a decision could not simply be given here and now.
He paused for a moment as Agathe stepped off, drawing in a breath before he spoke, his tone calm as his deep voice rumbled. "Your words do not go unheeded, Buckingham. On behalf of the Ascendants, we appreciate your apology. Yet I would ask of you that you give us time to conaider the past events, and the logistics of your new leadership. While I personally would find curiosity in speaking to you of your new title, it is not a decision any of us can make lightly. While both of our peoples' are now full of possibilities with new leaders to guide us, I think it is safe to consider the past and the future for the both of us." He quietly rose,back to his pass, turning,to follow after Agathe's bidding. "I apologize for making the length of your journey end without a concrete answer. I am sure we will be in contact soon enough with our answer. Meanwhile, while I cannot invite you in, you are welcome to rest and discuss as well. "
He paused for a moment as Agathe stepped off, drawing in a breath before he spoke, his tone calm as his deep voice rumbled. "Your words do not go unheeded, Buckingham. On behalf of the Ascendants, we appreciate your apology. Yet I would ask of you that you give us time to conaider the past events, and the logistics of your new leadership. While I personally would find curiosity in speaking to you of your new title, it is not a decision any of us can make lightly. While both of our peoples' are now full of possibilities with new leaders to guide us, I think it is safe to consider the past and the future for the both of us." He quietly rose,back to his pass, turning,to follow after Agathe's bidding. "I apologize for making the length of your journey end without a concrete answer. I am sure we will be in contact soon enough with our answer. Meanwhile, while I cannot invite you in, you are welcome to rest and discuss as well. "