11-29-2018, 02:01 PM
![[Image: untitled_artwork__32__by_vvintersoldier-dct5ahm.png]](https://orig00.deviantart.net/81cd/f/2018/332/4/1/untitled_artwork__32__by_vvintersoldier-dct5ahm.png)
[ omg both of you are good & your posts are great no worries XD ]
Shortly after the npc ran off to fetch Agathe, an unfamiliar face approached them. The maine coon looked over at the serval, ears pricking as Papercrown spoke up to him. Considering how Papercrown wasn't nearly as hostile as the npc, Bucky assumed Papercrown was a new member. When the fighting was still going on, Bucky assumed that Ascendants members grew a disliking for him- starting all the way back when Bastilleprisoner was still in charge. He wouldn't be surprised if people's ill opinions on him were influenced by the murder situation-- as that was handled rather badly. And then, when the fights occurred, that only added fuel to the fire. "I am Buckingham Barnes, Helion of Sunhaven," He said with a nod of his head, "I brought my two Goldenbloods to accompany me-- Gordon and Bex."
His gaze was torn away from Papercrown, when Agathe made her way over. For a moment, before she spoke up, he wondered if she was going to turn them away. Bucky remembered how difficult it was to talk with Moonmade- it was like pulling teeth. Bucky could only hope it wouldn't be the same with Agathe. And when she spoke up, for a moment he felt relief in his chest. He didn't feel the same frustration in his chest to her like he did with Moonmade, she was open to the possibility of talking things out. "You heard that correctly," He confirmed with a swish of his tail, looking up towards the snow leopard.
"As Sunhaven's new Helion, I apologize for our actions against you and your clan. We should've handled the murders after dropping you to neutrals with more maturity-- raiding only made the tension worse, and left no room to talk." He began with a flick of his tufted ear, not missing a beat as his gaze locked on Agathe. "Nor should I have taken Harland, I apologize for that as well," He continued on, "While it was never my intention to bring harm to him, it still wasn't right." Was it bad to admit his faults as a leader? He didn't want to appear weak, but he wanted to make it clear something like that would never happen again.
"Onision told Marina and Ichigo that Snowbound reported the same kind of murders, and that a curfew was in place the second time it occured in Sunhaven. It's evident that the murders were never ordered by Moonmade, and thankfully we haven't had another murder since then." Bucky wondered if they ever discovered who'd been responsible for it. Considering it's stopped, either they were caught or the killer thankfully disappeared- he'd prefer the former. "I wish for us to try being neutrals again-- there's no point of us being enemies over miscommunications on both of our ends." He finished up, glancing over at Atticus momentarily, another unfamiliar face, before looking back at Agathe.
He waited for her thoughts, hoping she'd be on board to drop the enemy status.
Shortly after the npc ran off to fetch Agathe, an unfamiliar face approached them. The maine coon looked over at the serval, ears pricking as Papercrown spoke up to him. Considering how Papercrown wasn't nearly as hostile as the npc, Bucky assumed Papercrown was a new member. When the fighting was still going on, Bucky assumed that Ascendants members grew a disliking for him- starting all the way back when Bastilleprisoner was still in charge. He wouldn't be surprised if people's ill opinions on him were influenced by the murder situation-- as that was handled rather badly. And then, when the fights occurred, that only added fuel to the fire. "I am Buckingham Barnes, Helion of Sunhaven," He said with a nod of his head, "I brought my two Goldenbloods to accompany me-- Gordon and Bex."
His gaze was torn away from Papercrown, when Agathe made her way over. For a moment, before she spoke up, he wondered if she was going to turn them away. Bucky remembered how difficult it was to talk with Moonmade- it was like pulling teeth. Bucky could only hope it wouldn't be the same with Agathe. And when she spoke up, for a moment he felt relief in his chest. He didn't feel the same frustration in his chest to her like he did with Moonmade, she was open to the possibility of talking things out. "You heard that correctly," He confirmed with a swish of his tail, looking up towards the snow leopard.
"As Sunhaven's new Helion, I apologize for our actions against you and your clan. We should've handled the murders after dropping you to neutrals with more maturity-- raiding only made the tension worse, and left no room to talk." He began with a flick of his tufted ear, not missing a beat as his gaze locked on Agathe. "Nor should I have taken Harland, I apologize for that as well," He continued on, "While it was never my intention to bring harm to him, it still wasn't right." Was it bad to admit his faults as a leader? He didn't want to appear weak, but he wanted to make it clear something like that would never happen again.
"Onision told Marina and Ichigo that Snowbound reported the same kind of murders, and that a curfew was in place the second time it occured in Sunhaven. It's evident that the murders were never ordered by Moonmade, and thankfully we haven't had another murder since then." Bucky wondered if they ever discovered who'd been responsible for it. Considering it's stopped, either they were caught or the killer thankfully disappeared- he'd prefer the former. "I wish for us to try being neutrals again-- there's no point of us being enemies over miscommunications on both of our ends." He finished up, glancing over at Atticus momentarily, another unfamiliar face, before looking back at Agathe.
He waited for her thoughts, hoping she'd be on board to drop the enemy status.
[glow=white,2,300]show no mercy, for you shall receive none[/glow]