11-29-2018, 12:31 PM
------ Atticus followed up shortly behind Agathe as the NPC had come to fetch them, his paws carrying him neatly by her side as his gaze remained up and forward as they followed the trail of voices to where a small Sunhaven patrol now stood. He knew well enough at this point that Agathe was not one to easily forgive; the iron-clad women could hold a grudge that could scare any number of people, and while he did not assume that she couldn't handle this herself, for he knew that she very, very well could; well... He felt a tiny bit of obligation to tag along and ensure that neither side said anything stupid. If sunhaven was willing to talk, and hopefully about good things, then maybe this would be beneficial for the both of them. His mind settled on a few possibilities as they stopped in front of their border line, calmly sitting himself down as Agathe spoke to them. It was for that reason alone he did not take to make a greeting of his own, other than a small dip of his head for some sort of politeness before his gaze stuck upon them, his golden-eyes piercing as he listened quietly, waiting for them to speak.
//sorry this is crappp I got ninjaed XD
//sorry this is crappp I got ninjaed XD