08-25-2018, 08:26 AM
He knew that Pele was the other ambassador to Snowbound but he had not seen the child in a while so he decided that he needed to go and see the Snowbounders on his own this time around. Besides he had not went with her last time and this time he needed to make a good impression. But trudging through the snow with no warmth that fur could provide was a bit of a tall order. He was shaking heavily as he made his way, jaws clamped over the handle of a basket filled with fish that would most likely be cold to keep for a while. Maybe he should have come more prepared especially with a place called Snowbound. Not thinking that it would actually have snow which in hindsight was kind of dumb. The mutant shook his head a bit and he sighed as he approached the border, pearl colored eyes settling on a few trees before he sat the basket down and called out. ”Sunhaven ambassador here! At ya service and I brought ya some fish if ya want some!”