09-08-2022, 02:23 PM
I'm no hero and I'm not made of stone -
the scream was that of someone he knew all to well. the tiger moved along on steady paws until sorbet came into view. the brute stopped and watched the other a moment. memories remind you of past failures to stop you repeating them. he answered bluntly as he eyes sorbet with those cold eyes.
eyes sorbet would know anywhere, despite not being in his other form. darkheart simply let his eyes study sorbet as the anger he felt inside was forced down. or perhaps it is guilt making those memories live on.
[sub][W]isker[/sub]eyes sorbet would know anywhere, despite not being in his other form. darkheart simply let his eyes study sorbet as the anger he felt inside was forced down. or perhaps it is guilt making those memories live on.
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