08-20-2018, 01:48 AM
[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify;"]Maybe it was a little air-headed of Irene to have blatantly wandered onto territory she knew was marked and belonged to a group so nonchalantly. Or maybe it was just that Irene didn't really care if anyone got onto her either way. But regardless of either, the snowshoe was quite enjoying herself, sitting on the evenly heated sand of the beach and looking observationally at Sunhaven's cute little buoyant town through half-asleep baby blues. Part of her wondered why she'd been able to wander so deep into the territory without being attacked, but her logic reasoned that she hadn't really been on the property too long. Either way, she braced herself for the worst whenever she did get caught.
(this is so sloppy i'm so sorry dfhjksdjfk it's 2 am)
(this is so sloppy i'm so sorry dfhjksdjfk it's 2 am)
lydia k. ★ gabriel h. ★ storage