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until the last moment you'll have to trust me - open, joining - Printable Version

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until the last moment you'll have to trust me - open, joining - rushy - 08-20-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify;"]Maybe it was a little air-headed of Irene to have blatantly wandered onto territory she knew was marked and belonged to a group so nonchalantly. Or maybe it was just that Irene didn't really care if anyone got onto her either way. But regardless of either, the snowshoe was quite enjoying herself, sitting on the evenly heated sand of the beach and looking observationally at Sunhaven's cute little buoyant town through half-asleep baby blues. Part of her wondered why she'd been able to wander so deep into the territory without being attacked, but her logic reasoned that she hadn't really been on the property too long. Either way, she braced herself for the worst whenever she did get caught.

(this is so sloppy i'm so sorry dfhjksdjfk it's 2 am)

Re: until the last moment you'll have to trust me - open, joining - rhosmari - 08-20-2018

Well, this wasn't the first time that someone waltzed into their territory and underminded the border. Made him think and question why they had a border if no one was going to actually stop there and let a patrol find them or at least shout out. Someone would hear them...eventually. But there was another logic that easily stated that perhaps it would take too long for a patrol to find them and they decided to take matters in to their own paws. Or they simply just didn't care. His own joining had been alright, and he had already been in the territory himself after springing out of the ocean. Land travel just wasn't his thing and he wouldn't go through all of that trouble anyway to be welcomed back into a group he had once called home before. So he simply just came forward in the best way possible so as he walked forward toward the beach his gaze of rippling rainbow focused on Samuel as he less than politely talked to the trespasser. A sigh left his throat before the mutant stepped in and he glanced up at his group mate only to shake his head. "Give her a break. She don't mean no harm I'm sure."

A small smirk was on the Dawnguard's muzzle for just a moment before he turned and fixated his gaze on the sleepy wanderer who had invaded them. Well, she was in better paws that was for sure. News traveled rather quick about some groups and she should count herself lucky that she had ended up here instead of somewhere else. Very lucky as Samuel had already spoken out before. The shark feline settled down then, flicking his tail and brushing some sand off of his fin for a moment as he got into that good old welcoming position that he was used to being in. "Welcome tae Sunhaven. Name's Monroe and if ya are lookin' tae join then ya are welcomed tae do it. But like he said if not then we'll have tae escort ya on out, lassie."

Re: until the last moment you'll have to trust me - open, joining - buckingham barnes - 08-20-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Buckingham couldn't help it but wonder what possibility went through Irene's mind as she carelessly went past their border. Did she even know what clan she was padding into? She should consider herself lucky, that Sunhaven is far more peaceful than other groups. Buckingham could vividly remember his time in more violent groups, and they did not hesitate to maim or capture trespassers. Bucky wouldn't admit it out loud, but surely there had been an instance where he was inflicting pain onto careless wanderers. The male was the next one to pad in, entering on gentle paws, slipping in after Monroe. He knew that Irene was far past the border, considering they're still in the seatown. Plus, her scent trailed all the way back to the border, the maine coon could smell it with his enhanced senses.

"She should consider herself lucky that she wandered into our territory and not a more violent based group," Commented the maine coon as his gaze landed on Irene, his bushy tail swishing behind him. Bucky didn't really want to 'give her a break', it would seem like they were okay with her trespassing so far into their home. She shouldn't think this is acceptable to do, as she'll eventually run into trouble. Bucky didn't say another word, rather instead he waited for Irene to answer their questions. It'd only be a few moments until they decided whether they need to escort her to the border or not.

Re: until the last moment you'll have to trust me - open, joining - Beverly Resurgam. - 08-21-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 13px;"]"Okay, I get the sentiment," started Beverly as she approached, being nearby when her peers started crowding around the stranger, assumably disturbing her peace. She figured that, if her alone time was already soiled, what did it matter if she hung around, too? "But she didn't wander into a violent group, so what's the point in bringing it up?"

Their points were valid, sure, but it didn't mean anything to anyone. It couldn't even be considered an empty threat - there was nothing to threaten her with. "Anywho, I'm Beverly. You can call me Bev. Sorry to interrupt your beach time."

Re: until the last moment you'll have to trust me - open, joining - GORDON CIPHER. - 08-21-2018

Honestly, Gordon was on Monroe and Beverly’s side. Sure, the girl trespassed on their land, but Sunhaven was a peaceful group through-and-through, and the she-cat doubted that anybody would ever harm another person here. Gordon knew for a fact she wouldn’t. Quantum and Bucky on the other hand...? Maybe. But they were also loyal to Sunhaven from what she saw, so she doubted they would truly ever hurt anyone.

”We won’t h-hurt you, I-I promise.” Gordon spoke softly as she came waddling over, blinking at Irene (whose name she didn’t know). ”I’m-I’m Gordon Ciphee, a Hearthkeeper here.”

i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: until the last moment you'll have to trust me - open, joining - PIERCE - 08-21-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
"I think she gets the point," Pierce uttered with a note of irritation in his tone as he approached, hardened honey gaze drifting from Bucky and Samuel to the stranger. His expression softened slightly at the sight of her, a small smile tugging at his lips. She was young, barely more than of-age to be an apprentice back home, by the looks of it.  Considering she had just walked right into the territory, he had a feeling Pierce knew what Irene may or may not have been getting herself into, but even if not, she was just a child. A simple warning would have sufficed, but the two males seemed keen on getting a bit... into detail with their "advice". "Sorry about them, hon. They mean well, promise." Did they really? He had no clue - he didn't really know either of them well enough to say -, but it wasn't like they were going to correct him and say they didn't. "I'm Pierce. What's your name?" Had anyone asked yet? He hadn't heard if that were the case, but maybe he hadn't been paying enough attention.


Re: until the last moment you'll have to trust me - open, joining - SAMUEL M. - 08-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]"I was telling her the truth, it's something she should know. How you - or her - choose to react is not under my control." This wasn't exactly what he expected - in fact, he didn't expect a turnout at all, considering the stranger could have easily been overlooked as a more quiet member in Sunhaven's ranks and ignored. It seemed everyone here had a bit of a nosy side, but Samuel wasn't going to fault them for their curiosity when he was no different. The serval is still staring rather plainly, no longer at the joiner but at the little group that's shown up to reinforce his point. "Sorry. I didn't expect everyone to be so... Touchy."

Anyway. He's not impatient, but all the fuss is making him wish she'd clarify and get this over with. "If you don't have an answer, we'll get you to the border. Or take you to town and get you set up... If joining was your intent?"

Re: until the last moment you'll have to trust me - open, joining - rushy - 08-22-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify;"][font=verdana](bleh sorry this is late i've been Destroyed since college started)

Irene cracked her baby blues open a smidgen to look at a very gruff-seeming Samuel. To put it simply, she was pretty unbothered by his words. The snowshoe closed her eyes, took a breath and brought a paw up to her face, opening her eyes to examine it nonchalantly. "I'm not stupid," she stated smugly "I'm here to join. So I suppose you won't see me off, will you?" Although Irene wasn't so sure she was thrilled to be a part of Sunhaven if everyone was going to cram tall tales about stranger danger down her throat.

But that didn't seem to be the case either way. Another Sunhaven member approached, seeming more formal and less like he wanted to rip her entire head off with his bare teeth. Although he did have a weird accent it took Irene a moment to process. "Thank you," she spoke after a moment of empty, wide-eyed silence, dipping her head slightly in apologies "I'm Irene."

However, it seemed like it was back to the drama. Though this one seemed like he was less likely to watch her get brutally tortured and murdered while munching on popcorn, so that was more pleasant in some ways. The snowshoe rolled her eyes instead of responding verbally and turned to the next approaching Sunhaven member with thankful and warm eyes. "It's alright, I was waiting for someone to show up anyways..." Irene murmured in response "I'm Irene by the way, no nickname, but nice to meet you Bev."

Two more joined the little group that had gathered around a very benign Irene, Gordon and Pierce, she learned were their names. Irene resisted making a snide remark in Gordon's direction about how if they wanted to hurt her they already would have, but she bit her tongue, trying not to leave a bad impression on anyone she thought didn't deserve it. "I'm Irene," she nodded to Pierce and Gordon respectively, and smiled warmly.