09-04-2022, 10:33 PM
Holding too tightly, afraid to lose control? -
calypso needed to stop this wandering nonsense. so, she was on the move again. this time without much thought to it. she made her way to the only boarder not blocked by water. it was, in fact, the closest thing to a dry spot this place likely had. yet, the strange woman would stop there on the boarder. snakes squirming on her head and neck. eyes flicking over the land beyond the boarder. did she really want to join here?
want and need were two things. she needed to settle down before the winter claimed her. she hated the cold of winter and the lack of food. so, she would make due. settling there, she would let her eyes flick about for any signs of others. she would likely be found here and she could request a home.
[sub][W]isker[/sub]want and need were two things. she needed to settle down before the winter claimed her. she hated the cold of winter and the lack of food. so, she would make due. settling there, she would let her eyes flick about for any signs of others. she would likely be found here and she could request a home.
dm me for plots. discord me for plots. open to new friends.