01-26-2021, 01:19 AM
Bullitt Sky | 3 years
Bullitt since his arrival had stayed to himself near the beach, well except for the meeting, he had stayed to himself. His thoughts were the usual ones, killing Alistar. He knew that he didn't get along with a few when he joined, but that didn't bother him one bit. In fact, he liked the quiet and didn't want to hear Gremlin's voice for sure. He was close to wanting to attack him, but Bullitt knew better even if Gremlin had ran his mouth off.
Bullitt looked at the sky, he was just outside of his house, The skin he got at the meeting was on. He was trying to think of way to find Alistar, but he was happy were he was and didn't want to leave. Bullitt laid down, now looking down at the beach.
Bullitt looked at the sky, he was just outside of his house, The skin he got at the meeting was on. He was trying to think of way to find Alistar, but he was happy were he was and didn't want to leave. Bullitt laid down, now looking down at the beach.