08-26-2019, 10:12 PM
noah's body felt weak as he ventured forward, his gaze fixated firmly on the ground he swallowed beneath long strides, hearing the sound of familiar wildlife calling back and forth, back and forth, back and forth in a rather repetitive stream of dull monotony that one soon tired of unless they were hearing it anew. that is to say, if one were a child or had somehow miraculously regained their hearing where there once was just a void of soundlessness. or maybe it was just him who had grown so used to it that he no longer found the joy in it, because that was a very real possibility. he remembered times when all the joy in life drained out of him, leaving him shaking and dazed and feeling gray for days on end. he could barely hunt in those times, let alone care for the raven he had chosen to let follow him. [br][br]the raven had long since disappeared, as whimsical in his mind as the feathers she had shed. maybe the raven had just been a figment of his imagination after all, not a real thing but something thought up whenever he needed company. it certainly felt that way, at times, he almost swore he could still feel her lingering presence, but he knew he was just imagining things. it made him sad to think about how she had left him, how everyone else had left him too. but he was still standing, still fighting to live another day.[br][br]there had been a restless stirring deep within him the past few days, weeks, months, whatever it had been. he thought it might be a lot of days all added up and stacked on top of one another, but he was unsure as time had somewhat lost it's meaning for him as of late. the stirring could be described as wanting to be in presence of others since he had been by himself for so long, but noah wasn't sure that was quite it. he just wanted.... he wanted to be part of something, to be able to fit intrinsically into a whole, he just wanted and he longed so deeply and for so long that here he was: a whirlwind of sadness, regret, and fragility so raw that he didn't want to let anyone inside his walls or his heart or his soul. [br][br]he lost track of time once more as he continued on his journey, but he lifted his head when he caught the scent of.... what was it? was it a border of some sort? he had come across these multiple times in his life, but he had always shied away from joining a group. until now, that is. he seated himself a fair distance away from where he could smell the scent markers, about ten or so feet back, and then he seated himself, preparing to wait. he tipped him head backwards, letting a keening cry pour from his throat, cacophonous in it's volume. for now, he would wait for an answer, wait for someone to come to him.
// hi, ignore the recycled post
[br]// hi, ignore the recycled post
to take you through the basics: no love, she was hoping i could change it; never been the one to pick favorites.
「 noah | tanglewood | 9 months | penned by cimelia 」—————————————————