09-12-2022, 06:42 PM
The light has been gone -
the liger was out on a flight again. wings flapping from time to time as she dragged her paws on the ocean surface. the woman simply wanted to go have a good time. be free from work. this was her day to just get out and away from the land dwellers. besides, it was not like her help was needed yet.
it was sunset by the time she came home. landing on the shore, paws in the waves, as her eyes scanned the lands she called home. it felt good to get away, but she was glad to be home. this place was beautiful.
[sub][W]isker[/sub]it was sunset by the time she came home. landing on the shore, paws in the waves, as her eyes scanned the lands she called home. it felt good to get away, but she was glad to be home. this place was beautiful.
dm me for plots. discord me for plots. open to new friends.