12-31-2020, 02:06 AM
Crimson | 1 year
Brown Tabby Cat | Coalition of the Comdemned
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Crimson had arrived with his father a bit back, but he still hadn't gotten around to meet those around him. He had stayed to himself quite a bit since arriving. He was excited to be here and was determined to get to know everyone and to prove himself.
Crimson and his father had chosen a place all on its own. Crimson didn't understand why his father did that, then again he never understood his father and probably wouldn't understand him. Crimson would sit out of his home and watch the clouds, especially if no other bother him.
Crimson and his father had chosen a place all on its own. Crimson didn't understand why his father did that, then again he never understood his father and probably wouldn't understand him. Crimson would sit out of his home and watch the clouds, especially if no other bother him.