09-07-2019, 08:46 PM
[member=6838]stilly.[/member] thought you might wanna be tagged cx
some of these are not made by me. you can just message me to find out!
unless stated otherwas, most, if not all, you can use, free of charge ;^) just tell me first, whether it’s in here or through on! cx
for convenience
some of these are not made by me. you can just message me to find out!
unless stated otherwas, most, if not all, you can use, free of charge ;^) just tell me first, whether it’s in here or through on! cx
for convenience
(03-10-2018, 10:16 PM)carkus link Wrote:Beasts Of Beyond uses a type of coding called "Div Style". Div Style is what I'm using now - it essentially edits how your posts look for aesthetic purposes. Where posts usually go from left to right, I was able to control it going straight in the middle, with the width restricting how long my words can go before I skip to the next line.[/code]
In order to effectively use Div Style, you'll need to implement a code in the beginning and at the end of your post.
[code=beginning][div style="codeshere;"][/code]
Before the codes are posted, all credit goes to Felix, an admin from the site BearBones! They had an extensive guide on the coding that I used for reference, and all of this couldn't have been done w/o it :^)
✧ width
Code:width: #%;
Code:max-width: #px;
Code:min-width: #px;
✧ height
Code:height: #%;
✧ minimum height
More words in your temp = longer it gets. Only use this code if your overflow is set to stretch!
Code:min-height: ##px;
✧ overflow
Auto: will add a scrollbar when the Div reaches maximum height / Stretch: template height will adjust depending on the text / Hidden: text will cut off after it goes past the height limit / None: text will just continue outside of the template.
Code:overflow: auto/stretch/none/hidden;
✧ border
TYPES OF BORDERS: solid, double, dashed, dotted, inset, outset, ridge, groove
There are two variations of this code!
1. Goes width -> color -> type, in that order.
2. Same idea as the first, but has separate codes for width/color/type instead.Code:border: ##px color type;
3. For those who wish to get into specifics, this code makes it so that you can have different borders from top/bottom, left/right - whatever your heart desires. However, you need to specify which border you're using; "top" can be changed to "bottom", and it can do the same with left and right.Code:border-width: ##px; border-type: bordertypehere; border-color: #hexcodehere;
Code:border-top: ##px color type;
✧ rounded corners
The bigger it is, the more rounded the corners get. 100 means all curves, and a circle/oval depending on what dimensions you have.
Code:border-radius: ##%;
✧ multiple rounded corners
Different roundness for every corner. You can also make semicircle templates with this! Only numbers 0-100 or it won't work.
Code:[div style=""]border-radius:0em 0em 0em 0em;[/div]
✧ background color
Code:background-color: #hexcode;
✧ background image
✧ background gradient
Code:background: linear-gradient(COLOR, COLOR)
Code:background:linear-gradient(to right/left, color,color);
Code:background: radial-gradient(COLOR, COLOR)
✧ background size
Code:background-size: 100%/cover;
✧ background position
Code:background-position: rightlefttopbottomcenter;
✧ opacity
Code:opacity: 0.##;
✧ hover text
Code:[abbr=hover text here]main text here[/abbr]
✧ font family
Code:font-family: fontname;
✧ font size
Code:font-size: ##pt/px;
✧ font color
Code:color: #hexcode
✧ text align
Code:text-align: justifyleftrightcenter;
✧ font style
Code:text-style: italicboldunderline;
✧ letter spacing
Code:letter-spacing: NUMBERpx;
✧ line spacing
Code:line-height: NUMBER%;
✧ shadowed text
Code:text-shadow: 3px 3px 3px COLOR;
✧ outline text
Code:text-shadow: 1px 1px COLOR, 1px -1px COLOR, -1px 1px COLOR, -1px -1px COLOR;
✧ text transform
Code:text-transform: uppercase/lowercase;
✧ word spacing
Code:word-spacing: NUMBERpx;
✧ margins
Space between the template and the rest of the post. Put a - sign before a number to push it towards the top.
Code:margin-left/right/top/bottom: ##px;
✧ padding
Margin within a template, meaning the text will be a certain # of pixels from the borders of the template. First is for all the same padding, and the second code is for padding on different sides.
Code:padding: ##px;
Code:padding-RIGHT/TOP/LEFT/BOTTOM: ##px;
✧ float
Code:float: PLACE;
✧ tilting
Code:transform: rotate (NUMBERdeg); -o-transform: rotate(NUMBERdeg); -webkit-transform: rotate(NUMBERdeg); -moz-transform: rotate(NUMBERdeg);
✧ dropshadowing
✧ insert dropshadows
Code:box-shadow: HORIZONTALpx VERTICALpx BLURpx OPACITYpx COLOR inset;
✧ cursors
Code:cursor: url("LINK HERE"), auto;
( kenny — 18 years — male — married — kenneth#2882 )