with graduation being over and me quitting my job, guess who doesn't have a life now? this gal here. i stayed for maybe a couple days last time i was here, let's break the record and make it three days . anywho anywho i'll try to stick to it and i'll be bringing my two ff babies here (nosferatu & percival) and see what happens. so how's y'all doin'?
05-22-2018, 09:44 PM
I’m doing good. How are you? OWO
05-23-2018, 07:12 PM
i would just like you to know that my firstborn is being named darcy so you being named darci makes you dope in my book
but wElcOMe my dude! i uh haven't played in the ff ext game in years so i probably don't know your extended beans, but it's great to see you rolling around here!
05-23-2018, 08:04 PM
darci! welcome to the site! "FUNNY OLD WORLD, ISN'T IT?" - Crowley Hiya! I'm Orion, Beasts of Beyond's administrator and owner. I play a few characters, which you can view by clicking on 'linked accounts' underneath my avatar or going to my profile. I am always open to plotting or chit-chatting with anyone who asks, so feel free to approach me at any time. Along with that, I am open to answering any questions about BoB. You can do either by sending me a message on-site or on our Discord! I look forward to roleplaying with all of you. ;^)For info on BoB's revamp, click here! Check out the guidebook too.
05-24-2018, 12:51 AM
helloooo!! welcome to bob c:
can't wait to see your characters! and i hope you enjoy it here <33
05-25-2018, 03:29 PM
omg hey darci!! you probably dont remember me well but i was rakue back on ff, i played sam in wc c':
welcome to bob!!! if u have any questions dont hesitate to hit me up nwn 1/8 sutsquad // the hive aka veintisiete horny boys // discord: ephemera#0004