04-06-2021, 07:17 AM
☆☆ ??????? ????? ???? ????? ?????????? ?? ???? ☆☆
?? ????????? 《》 gaze becoming blurred by tears she could no longer hold back, sniffing as she held back the frustrated sobs that wanted to escape her lungs. she wanted to go home with elsweyr, she wanted to go back to a place she knew. she knew they were caring for her but that didn't stop the longing for her own nest, for those that she knew to surround her. she didn't like this situation anymore than the rest did, but it had happened and she had to suffer through it until she recovered. closing her eyes in a vain attempt to choke back the tears, she would inhale shakily before leaning into the touch from elsweyr with a soft exhale. "i-i remember", she would murmur softly, looking up at her luminary with tired eyes.
the flaming lioness was a protector, someone she felt safe to be cared for. a faint wrinkle of her muzzle, recalling the sour taste of his blood, "i'm sorry this happened ... but i got him back. wasn't gonna let him get the best of me", she would murmur with a flare of fierce gaelic pride. silly as it might have been, the molly was proud of herself for that small feat - perhaps she'd avoided a worse fate, or if she'd given in, her injuries wouldn't be this bad. it didn't matter too much now, what was done was done and she had to live with it. "is everything okay back home?", maybe she was asking about a certain woman, but she wouldn't let that on. she wasn't truly aware of how long could pass before she could go back, but she was weary and tired, and the thought of anyone being upset warmed her. elsweyr had been upset enough to come to find her, to demand her release, so that meant that her kidnapping had certainly been noticed. at least, she would have some comfort in the visits from elsweyr, that's all she could think of - how it felt to be here now, and the freedom she would eventually feel on her return home.
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