03-28-2021, 08:04 PM
☆☆ ??????? ????? ???? ????? ?????????? ?? ???? ☆☆
?? ????????? 《》 Familiar the mesh of voices, her foreleg over her head, drowning out the worst of the whispering and chattering from those around her. She didn't know anyone here, and she was scared. She wanted to be home, she wanted to be safe, she wanted to be curled up in her own nest. It wasn't easy to admit that she was scared - she didn't think there had been a point since her arrival in the coalition that she hadn't been scared in some fashion. Nothing wrong with that, she'd had to assure herself.
The trembling of a roar in her bones caused her to remove her paw - she couldn't hear the words but she heard the roar. The scent of flame and burning things could reach her, acrid the taste on her tongue, nose working the air over. She smelt swamp and her heart soared at the scent of home - had one of them come to find her? Did Atbash come? She was being treated well after the one that had captured her had been banished, and the lion Romulus had been tending to her wounds. A silent overwhelming weight fell over her after some time as she waited with heart in throat, "Elsewyr?", she mewled as the lioness' scent reached her.
The pain of being alone was dashed, trying to struggle closer to the opening of where she rested. She was too weak to move properly or escape any natural predators on this island, it was safer for her to stay within the cell, where the bars could save her life from an attack. Muscles strining as she tried to move, her ribs screaming in protest as she inhaled upon seeing the lioness. The scents were confusing and hurt her head stoll, though by day she was getting better. Among them was one she swore she knew but couldn't place, a puzzle for another time.
Exhaling as she looked up at Elsewyr, she felt the tears choking her up - she wanted to speak but couldn't for the emotion. So she hadn't been forgotten by her group mates with her small presence. Nothing was more comforting than the smells that clung to Elsewyr, she wanted to touch the lioness and cry. She wanted to admit to the pain and the fear, but she could only force a teary smile at the sight of the Luminary and choke out a soft, "Its okay Elsewyr, I'm safe", she hoped that she could soothe her groupmate's anger, when the fact she had shown up was more than enough to make her want to cry from relief and gratitude.
??? ?? ????????? 《》 doing her best not to cry //
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