01-01-2021, 02:11 PM
When the dinosaur approached him, the small Asian leopard cat would take a few steps back "Whoa there, clever girl." Though he glanced over at Kuragori as the owl griffin spoke to the large reptilian brute, Grem would let out a soft breath before tensing up as the other reformed to him as little imp, now, back the fuck up. He was some form of demonic entity or whatever so the imp part didn't bother him so much aside from the popping noise that came after pronouncing the word but... Little imp. Not to mention the fact that prissy feathers over there had stated that he wasn't much of a threat. The fuck did that mean? Absolutely insulting. He was very threatening, thank you very much. Gremlin had to bite down on his tongue to refrain from saying anything completely stupid that would make him breakfast for Dino from the Flintstones. Instead, his tail lashed in an irritable manner as he would say with a soft chuckle "Yeah, I'm pretty harmless." He hated saying it but if he wanted admission then he would have to roll with whatever bullshit was being said to him.
He was about ready to make his grand exit until Mister Prissy Feathers decided to introduce himself. Kuragori, Kura or Gori. Prissy Feathers or Rat with wings seems a lot more fitting to me, he thought with his single pupil narrowed into a dangerous slit yet he figured that he shouldn't be such a jackass after the guy told Jurassic Park reboot over here not to eat him. "Uhm... Right, I guess you can call me Grem if that suits your fancy, I guess." His whiskers twitched for a moment as Kuragori explained where he was. Damn, guess he wasn't on Isla Nublar... How disappointing. He would lift up one of his back legs to scratch absentmindedly behind his good ear only to frown slightly before he shook out his entire body "Damn... That's quite a mouthful of a name. I'll probs forget it in no time so I'll just call it the Condemned."
When the owl griffin began to inquire on why he was inside of the shoebox to begin with, it made his face grow warm with embarrassment as he bit down onto his tongue once again. He would brush down the fur that had lifted upwards and scratched his cheek with a single claw in a rather sheepish manner "Uh y'know... People wanted to get rid of me and decided I was deserving of a shoebox exit but I say otherwise. I should have gotten a cooler death, in my opinion anyways... But I'm generally hard to get rid of in the first place." He finally said with a soft hiss, well, now he had nowhere to go and there was absolutely no way that he was going back home where they would search for him. Maybe he should stick around and if Kuragori had fended off the overgrown lizard from him... Maybe just maybe... He blinked his single eye stepping back from his thoughts and said with a small smirk "So, is it possible for lil ol' me to stay here?"
He would rise to his paws slowly as he tilted his cranium slightly to the side, he might as well ask anyways but there was a pause "If I can't then if I'm allowed to I'd like to stay a few nights. Being trapped in a shoebox is... A rather interesting scenario if I do say so myself." He could understand why a shoebox but really dying in that way, well, that was a stupid death even for the demon. He liked going out with some style.
He was about ready to make his grand exit until Mister Prissy Feathers decided to introduce himself. Kuragori, Kura or Gori. Prissy Feathers or Rat with wings seems a lot more fitting to me, he thought with his single pupil narrowed into a dangerous slit yet he figured that he shouldn't be such a jackass after the guy told Jurassic Park reboot over here not to eat him. "Uhm... Right, I guess you can call me Grem if that suits your fancy, I guess." His whiskers twitched for a moment as Kuragori explained where he was. Damn, guess he wasn't on Isla Nublar... How disappointing. He would lift up one of his back legs to scratch absentmindedly behind his good ear only to frown slightly before he shook out his entire body "Damn... That's quite a mouthful of a name. I'll probs forget it in no time so I'll just call it the Condemned."
When the owl griffin began to inquire on why he was inside of the shoebox to begin with, it made his face grow warm with embarrassment as he bit down onto his tongue once again. He would brush down the fur that had lifted upwards and scratched his cheek with a single claw in a rather sheepish manner "Uh y'know... People wanted to get rid of me and decided I was deserving of a shoebox exit but I say otherwise. I should have gotten a cooler death, in my opinion anyways... But I'm generally hard to get rid of in the first place." He finally said with a soft hiss, well, now he had nowhere to go and there was absolutely no way that he was going back home where they would search for him. Maybe he should stick around and if Kuragori had fended off the overgrown lizard from him... Maybe just maybe... He blinked his single eye stepping back from his thoughts and said with a small smirk "So, is it possible for lil ol' me to stay here?"
He would rise to his paws slowly as he tilted his cranium slightly to the side, he might as well ask anyways but there was a pause "If I can't then if I'm allowed to I'd like to stay a few nights. Being trapped in a shoebox is... A rather interesting scenario if I do say so myself." He could understand why a shoebox but really dying in that way, well, that was a stupid death even for the demon. He liked going out with some style.