11-09-2018, 12:59 AM
A lot of people on this Earth believed that everyone deserves forgiveness in some shape or form. Vigenere, however, couldn't disagree more. While he did think that some people do deserve forgiveness, others did not. For him, there was some sort moral event horizon and there was a line people could cross, whether or not they believed that themselves. Very little people actually crossed this line but once they did, Vigenere usually cut them out of his life - assuming he didn't before they crossed the line - and never talked to them again. In fact, the soldier side of him wanted to end their lives, wanting to get some sort of justice in doing so. They could never, ever return once they've crossed that line and that was something the Captain firmly and strongly believed in.
There was only one person so far that has ever crossed this moral event horizon and that person would be no surprise: Caesar. At one point, Vigenere may have forgiven his brother for the murder of Athena, for the slaughter of the King's Court and the King himself, at some point. What drew the line, however, was that Caesar left their parents to rot and felt nothing - no remorse or pain. Caesar did not seem to care about what his actions caused and that is what caused Vigenere to believe that his brother didn't deserve forgiveness. Soon enough, Vigenere learned that Caesar had attacked and scarred up their sister, Atbash, and once again, Vigenere felt as if Caesar crossed the line - if crossing it twice was even possible. Caesar deserved death. Although murder was wrong, Caesar had done far much worse than Vigenere should he choose to kill his brother. If he killed Caesar, he would be getting justice over the things Caesar had ruined. Atbash may not agree with that, but that is what Vigenere believed.
//Word Count: 314