SUNHAVEN HOMES SYSTEM Within Sunhaven's camp in the floating seaside town, many members make their homes within the abandoned houses, shops, boats, and buildings. This is where the home system comes in — members make their own threads describing their houses, allowing others to come by and interact with them at that location whenever! These threads can be utilized in a variety of ways: in-character visits/interactions, dropping off threads, out-of-character plotting and chatting, hub for links and information... just about anything you can think of! Because where you live tends to be pretty central to your life, house threads take on a similar role as just a fun thing for members to participate in. Characters are also free to share homes with others if they wish, and where/what their homes are is completely up to you! House threads themselves are simply an explanation of such and a place for others to connect with your character, in whatever way you'd like.
[color=darkorange]HOMES LIST Here is a list of all members with house threads, all of which are linked. Should a Sunhavener die, go missing, go inactive, or otherwise leave, their home will be removed from the list. Otherwise, feel free to go say hi or create your own!
— Jeanne's home
— Buckingham's home
— Pierce & Clementine's home
— Jericho's home
— Persephone's home
CREATE A HOME Since home threads themselves essentially function as guides to where they live, all you have to do is post a thread depicting your character's house (wherever or whatever that may be!). It can be as long or short as you'd like; you could even frame it as your character giving a tour or exploring it themselves if simply explaining the layout sounds boring! You're free to include whatever you like in said thread, be it IC or OOC, just be sure to fill out the form below to have it be added to the list.