08-05-2018, 03:59 PM
Sagacious olive eyes sweep across the assembled bodies with mild boredom. Not very many people yet. The desert is not exactly a place very many people want to be, but newcomers will arrive eventually. The solitary cougaress tunes back into the announcements. A promotion and some tasks, huh? Maybe she will tag along with one of the groups to visit the other clans or whatever. Melantha is torn from her thoughts when a stranger suddenly attempts to attack Yes Man. Everyone leaps into action--Dante and Toga already handling the intruder so Mel positions herself between Yes Man and the danger. Something about the intruder is...familiar. The face, maybe? But the huntress cannot be sure, for her memories only extend for about two months and then there is just...nothingness. Oh well. Her job is to protect the leader, not puzzle over her missing memories.