favorite character name: melantha
favorite character design:
favorite boy: harrison
favorite girl: atbash
favorite non-binary character:
favorite newcomer: leVI
favorite shp:
favorite hp: jacob
favorite overall: uhh prolly izuku
Friendly: jacob
Scary: i feel like atbash cld b scary if she tried??
Intimidating: melantha lowkey
Smart: natasha
Nerdy: cough izuku cough
Sweet: bby harrison
Cool: natasha
Clumsy: jacob lmao
Welcoming: pierce??
Relatable: izuku tbh
Unique: melantha
Developed: jacob
Most likely to...
Be an internet troll: atbash prolly
Write fanfiction: harrison gives me matchmaker vibes tbh
Get stuck in a love triangle:
Be a disney princess:
Die by vending machine: iZUKU
Become a starving artist:
Try nd fight the sun: melantha
End up crying in a 7-11 bathroom at 3am:
Cry over a dead fly: prolly izuku (or harrison)
Throw their kid in a lake to teach them to swim: melantha
Yell ACT NATURAL and pull a stupid pose:
Go to jail:
Be valedictorian:
Drop out of school:
Takeover the Clan:
Die by vending machine:
Turn into a marshmallow:
Be Prom Queen:
Spike the punch at prom:
Best bffs:
Best crack ship: ,,,natasha and melantha
Best ship:
Ship most likely to takeover the world:
Ship most likely to bring world peace:
Misc. IC awards
Cinnamon roll: harrison!!
Sinnamon roll:
Looks like a cinnamon roll but is a sinnamon roll: melantha
Looks like a sinnamon roll but is a cinnamon roll: atbash
Clan meme:
Clan parent: prolly jacob
Best to take home to parents:
Worst to take home to parents:
Biggest shipper:
Most angsty: arcy ofc
Most welcoming:
Most helpful: velli
Most approachable:
Most sleep-deprived:
Most active: prolly una tbh
Most museful:
Most artistic: arcy
Most likely to make memes for their character:
Most likely to die making a Long oneshot:
Most likely to procrastinate on homework:
favorite character name: melantha
favorite character design:
favorite boy: harrison
favorite girl: atbash
favorite non-binary character:
favorite newcomer: leVI
favorite shp:
favorite hp: jacob
favorite overall: uhh prolly izuku
Friendly: jacob
Scary: i feel like atbash cld b scary if she tried??
Intimidating: melantha lowkey
Smart: natasha
Nerdy: cough izuku cough
Sweet: bby harrison
Cool: natasha
Clumsy: jacob lmao
Welcoming: pierce??
Relatable: izuku tbh
Unique: melantha
Developed: jacob
Most likely to...
Be an internet troll: atbash prolly
Write fanfiction: harrison gives me matchmaker vibes tbh
Get stuck in a love triangle:
Be a disney princess:
Die by vending machine: iZUKU
Become a starving artist:
Try nd fight the sun: melantha
End up crying in a 7-11 bathroom at 3am:
Cry over a dead fly: prolly izuku (or harrison)
Throw their kid in a lake to teach them to swim: melantha
Yell ACT NATURAL and pull a stupid pose:
Go to jail:
Be valedictorian:
Drop out of school:
Takeover the Clan:
Die by vending machine:
Turn into a marshmallow:
Be Prom Queen:
Spike the punch at prom:
Best bffs:
Best crack ship: ,,,natasha and melantha
Best ship:
Ship most likely to takeover the world:
Ship most likely to bring world peace:
Misc. IC awards
Cinnamon roll: harrison!!
Sinnamon roll:
Looks like a cinnamon roll but is a sinnamon roll: melantha
Looks like a sinnamon roll but is a cinnamon roll: atbash
Clan meme:
Clan parent: prolly jacob
Best to take home to parents:
Worst to take home to parents:
Biggest shipper:
Most angsty: arcy ofc
Most welcoming:
Most helpful: velli
Most approachable:
Most sleep-deprived:
Most active: prolly una tbh
Most museful:
Most artistic: arcy
Most likely to make memes for their character:
Most likely to die making a Long oneshot:
Most likely to procrastinate on homework: