09-25-2022, 10:54 PM
"Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land" ♆ tags ── Upon his thoughts the maned wolf twisted around to pinpoint. Broken mast. Mast. With a general idea on where to go, ve started to fight the current and dart toward where the boats were. Pearly eyes scanned the depths for him, and once they did, the maned wolf dived further down. The buzzing became a dull roar as they stopped next to him, examining the mast and partially seeing if there were injuries.
'Together.' was all ve could muster, body pressing against the mast, tail trying to wedge under it to lift it up. Gills flared with each breath, fins shuddering with the cold.
'Together.' was all ve could muster, body pressing against the mast, tail trying to wedge under it to lift it up. Gills flared with each breath, fins shuddering with the cold.