09-25-2022, 03:25 PM
You thought you could go free -
the voice in his head was welcomed. the crushing pain in hs tentacles was not. he was partially pinned by a broken mast. normally he could escape alone, but the angle was wrong and he could not get his nose under the mast fully. he knew he was in trouble, but he did not want to worry scy.
octavio is here. broken mast. can't get free. he thought back as he squirmed. twisting this way and that. need help. can do it together. he thinks in slight panic. hoping that vey would be able to help. vey were strong like him and together he could escape and they could get out of danger.
[sub][W]isker[/sub]octavio is here. broken mast. can't get free. he thought back as he squirmed. twisting this way and that. need help. can do it together. he thinks in slight panic. hoping that vey would be able to help. vey were strong like him and together he could escape and they could get out of danger.
dm me for plots. discord me for plots. open to new friends.