So, the story begins with the recent loss of Akuma's son, Hikari. Completely and utterly devastated by his son's death, Akuma's mental health quickly spiraled into tragically familiar territory. Wound up in his loss, he searches for a way to temporarily purge himself of his then self-destructive thoughts and happens across Vanitas. Desperate to rid himself of the overwhelming emotion of grief, Akuma indulges in lust and has a one-night stand with this stranger. Some weeks later, Akuma finds out he was, of course, pregnant and expecting kids.PLEASE NOTE . . . When you receive your kid, you are free to play them however you want. However, once you get them they will already be aged six months. The main plot for these kids is that there were four kids that stayed with their respective parent ( Vanitas got the two male kids, and Akuma kept two female kids ) but shortly after the children hit their six month, Vanitas dumps the other two kids on Akuma at the border with some serious mental trauma following them because they would have been abused by their sire ( none of the abuse will be roleplayed out, it is assumed it just happened, so one thing or another could have happened, presumably ).
☆ Please remain active with your character. If you have to leave for any amount of time, please let me or [member=42]Muddymutt[/member] know beforehand. Otherwise, if your kid has not been roleplayed in one month (1) they will be re-homed.
☆ The parents are both . . . relatively odd creatures. Akuma is an Chain, a creature that originates from the Abyss, and so these children, upon their first death, have the chance of being dropped into the Abyss to become nothing or to mutate into what Akuma is. Vanitas is a keyblade wielder, and can inherit white blood, horns/antlers, wings, the ability to summon keyblades, and various powers ( i.e: conjuration, mental manipulation, elementals, etc. ) but you will have to buy the corresponding powers needed if you intend your kid to have any of the powers Vanitas or Akuma have.
We have more than one theme on going with these kids and those are misgendering Japanese names ( i.e: girls can be called Riku, boys can be called Yuuki ) and Russian/Italian/Latin/Romanian/German royalty names. Kids with either theme may be going with Akuma or Vanitas respectively.
The form is FFA and acceptance is immediate. Be sure to state which parent your kid will be going with. As an FYI, these kids will be tigers. For possible look-a-likes, Vanitas was a strawberry tiger and Akuma was a maltese tiger. As a result, plenty of color combinations ( realistic or not ) are available!
001. name - goes w/ akuma
002. name - goes w/ akuma
003. name - goes w/ vanitas
004. name - goes w/ vanitas
advanced roleplayer — she/her or they/them — akuma — augustus — 17