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Slang has always been the province of the young. Words come in and out of favor in direct proportion to the speed with which they travel through the age ranks. Once college kids know that high school kids are using a term, it becomes passe. And seniors don’t want to sound like freshman and so forth. Once a word finds its way to mainstream media or worse, is spoken by parents, no young person with any self-respect would use it.
1950s slang wasn’t particularly colorful as these things go. The Sixties, with its drug and protest culture to draw from, would be slang heaven. In the Fifties, hot-rodders and Beats provided inspiration.
About the Beat Culture. This was by no means a mainstream movement. I didn’t actually know any Beats nor I suspect did most of my peers across America. But they sure seemed “cool” to us. A sharp contrast from the way real teens lived in a preppy, conservative, conformist world.
Many of these words, in fact most words can have “ville” added to them. There was coolsville, deadsville, Doodyville, squaresville, weirdsville and so forth.
Oh and here’s a piece of news for you. “Cool” was a 50’s word. We said it a bit differently. Today it is said in a more clipped way. We tended to drag out the pronunciation. But we had it first; we were the originals.
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✤>A romã, fruta que é cercada de misticismo, fazendo parte de simpatias e rituais, afamada por trazer bons fluidos, também pode ser uma poderosa aliada da saúde.
É na polpa, formada por sementes em forma de cápsulas translúcidas que se encontram a maioria dos nutrientes e compostos benéficos da fruta. Rica em ácidos graxos, a romã beneficia de forma especial o sistema cardiovascular, diminuindo o colesterol ruim, fortalecendo as paredes internas dos vasos e evitando, assim, os temidos infarto e derrame.
Cientistas concluíram que essas propriedades da romã se dão por causa das adversidades enfrentadas na região de origem, onde a planta se adaptou às mudanças bruscas de temperatura, sendo os antioxidantes, por exemplo, responsáveis por diminuir os danos causados pela variação entre o calor tórrido durante o dia e o frio extremo durante a noite. Por isso, também, há bom estoque de gorduras em suas sementes. Não fosse por essa química, a germinação se tornaria impossível e a planta desapareceria.