12-11-2024, 03:40 PM
The female had convinced him to join her here. To stay and give this land a chance. Did he like the idea? No. He hated living in groups, really. To many mouths to feed, or names to learn. To much drama. To much socializing. He was more of a solitary beast. Alas, here he was. Tail swishing the earth as he curled. Watching the opponent he was given in the pit. Another dragon. Chinese dragon, from the looks of them. He was not intimidated, that was for sure.
The fight was on in a flash. The NPC rushing him. The male twisted slightly. Bringing his tail out and up. Slamming into the lower jaw of the challenger. Staggering them enough that the male could truly strike. Vio lurched forward like a snake striking. Jaws snapping about the neck of the stranger. Body curling about the NPC and squeezing the smaller dragon. It clawed his scales. Blood dripping as it fought for its life. Vio, not letting up, squeezed until the squirming stopped.
Bones cracking long before the male ever left go. The limp corpse dropping to the earth as he let his head swivel to the others. Watching to see if she had seen him. Seen the power he displayed. As if this Right of Passage was little more than a male trying to court a female. To him, it was just that. Courtship for his kinds was similar. So, why not use it?
The fight was on in a flash. The NPC rushing him. The male twisted slightly. Bringing his tail out and up. Slamming into the lower jaw of the challenger. Staggering them enough that the male could truly strike. Vio lurched forward like a snake striking. Jaws snapping about the neck of the stranger. Body curling about the NPC and squeezing the smaller dragon. It clawed his scales. Blood dripping as it fought for its life. Vio, not letting up, squeezed until the squirming stopped.
Bones cracking long before the male ever left go. The limp corpse dropping to the earth as he let his head swivel to the others. Watching to see if she had seen him. Seen the power he displayed. As if this Right of Passage was little more than a male trying to court a female. To him, it was just that. Courtship for his kinds was similar. So, why not use it?
penned by cobra
penned by cobra