05-11-2023, 01:09 PM
[align=center]the dead eyed woman strolled along the boarder of her home. paws crunching the earth under her as she walked along. not that she needed to be silent. she was not fearful as she had no ability to be. she was fast and a fighter by nature. she felt little to nothing and often found herself alone. vale used to seek her out to ask her questions. that was what others needed her for. she was good for it. no emotions, no clouded judgements.
the woman could give brutal truths and harsh truths. the truths many didnt want to face, but she felt no qualm in giving them it. perhaps that made her more of a true pittian than most. she was cold, unfeeling, and a killer.
killer queen.
she stopped as she found a fresh set of tracks on the territory. eyes scanning them to see they were leaving. she knew that this was likely a visito that came for a bit then baled on the harsh enviroment. snorting. the woman turned and strolled towards her home. silent as she abandoned her original walk. not wanting to deal with possibly trespassers.
after all, she was not the best in social areas. it was almost dark when she came into view of her house. peaceful for the moment. but, that never lasted.
the woman could give brutal truths and harsh truths. the truths many didnt want to face, but she felt no qualm in giving them it. perhaps that made her more of a true pittian than most. she was cold, unfeeling, and a killer.
killer queen.
she stopped as she found a fresh set of tracks on the territory. eyes scanning them to see they were leaving. she knew that this was likely a visito that came for a bit then baled on the harsh enviroment. snorting. the woman turned and strolled towards her home. silent as she abandoned her original walk. not wanting to deal with possibly trespassers.
after all, she was not the best in social areas. it was almost dark when she came into view of her house. peaceful for the moment. but, that never lasted.
king cheetah - zombie - single - bio
penned by cobra
penned by cobra