( TLDR at bottom )
So much shit had happened, as of late.
It was his responsibility to look after Tanglewood and keep them from harm. It was his job to make sure their allies were alright, to send out Ambassadors. The February meeting had ended in a three way war with two groups fleeing to try to avoid the violence: Tanglewood was not one of them. Romulus had fallen. He had not done his job properly.
He had to fix that.
Standing up from the spot he had been lying in the morning sun, paws under his head as his eyes stared out into nothing for a while, absorbed by the whispers of a voice he could hear, of a dream he was haunted by. The wounded tom made his way towards the collapsed statue water feature in the middle of the camp, standing at it's feet and gazing up at the top. It felt too far away. Taking a shaken breath as the world felt like it spun around him, the Luminary shook himself and bunched his muscles. Leaping onto the rim of the fountain, he padded until he found a comfortable spot and let his form shape change, the gray pelted cheetah sliding forth in place of his gray tabby body. Sitting there for a moment, he observed the bodies coming closer in curiosity, finally calling out, "Members of Tanglewood, come before me now. We will be having a meeting."
This form was slightly more comfortable though his head still pounded and light hurt his remaining eye. The few leaves he wore over the missing eye were held in place by hastily wrapped vines, heat radiating from the wound as he sat as tall as he could before the group he led. Clearing his throat, Aesior would cast a blurry glance over the faces in front of him, mouth feeling all too dry so suddenly. "I would like to extend a warm welcome to our latest members. Welcome to Tanglewood, Lucedon, Raymond, Diesie, Venemousimpulse, Boy, Culdanth, Liqeuor, Mustacciuoli, Pere and Lunareclipse. I apologize for not welcoming you earlier. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to approach myself or another.", he would begin his announcements, looking over everyone again.
"I would like to announce a few things. Those of you that are new to our home here, may be aware of tensions erupting. We have previously received knowledge of an island in conjunction with our current land borders, brought to us by Alexandre of The Typhoon, who is currently a prisoner of war here. Following this news, I led a fleet of ships to the island and discovered that The Typhoon had begun to set up camp. We engaged with them in battle before chasing them off the island. We attended the monthly meeting between groups, where another brawl erupted with The Typhoon. During this scuffle, the Kingpin of the Coalition was felled by a previously unexpected enemy belonging to a group called The Covenant. Following this meeting, The Typhoon will no longer be considered an ally and will be put to the position of Neutral-Enemies. They will be demoted to Enemies if there is another provocation. The Covenant will be considered Neutral-Enemies; treat them with caution. The Pitt will remain Neutral and the Coalition will remain Neutral as well. We will be looking to improve our relations with these groups."
He paused for a while to let the information sink in and to catch his breath, wondering just how long he could speak for. He was frankly quite exhausted and just wanted to retreat to a quieter part of camp to sulk in peace perhaps. He took a moment to ground himself as the world rocked before his view, shifting a paw as it felt like the world bucked. Clearing his throat with a frown, he steadied his uneven breaths, "Lucinder, Red, Solsken and Seven, please step forward. I wish to bestow upon you, Lucinder, Red and Solsken, the title of Berserker for your recent combat efforts. I wish to bestow upon you Seven, the title of Hallow for your medical efforts as my Shadow Reaper. Please come forward to collect your tags. You may affix them to your masks.", he gestured to the small collection of carved and wooden tags sitting at his paws before moving on.
"The topic of Masks brings to my attention that many of our newest members have yet to complete their Mask Vigils. In Tanglewood, our Masks are symbolic stories of our lives, and they may be adjusted and touched upon as our lives progress. We will be holding a large Mask Vigil this month at some time, please look forward to participating in it.", he cleared his throat for another pause. Would it be better to let some of them get words in edgewise? Best to push on for a bit, yet. He had enough to say to talk their ears off.
"This brings me to the topic of Ambassadors. A bit of a backtracking, apologies folks. I will be removing Corrupttimelines from his position as the Ambassador to the Typhoon because of his absence and our current alliance status with them. As for our other Ambassadors, I will ask Atticus and Merlin to visit The Pitt and The Coalition and seek into how they are faring. Feel free to take others with you. Please express my condolences about Romulus, Merlin. His ... passing was an unaccounted for outcome of the Meeting.", his voice drifted for a bit with a twinge of sadness in his face. The other was a strong leader, it would be hard to see what would become of the Coalition without another Kingpin like him.
Pausing as yet again the world spun and darkness began to creep up on the edges of his vision, the Luminary swaying a bit in place, "Spring is beginning to return to us, and with it, comes change. That we can see for ourselves. I touched on this in our last meeting but Tanglewood has suffered territory damage from the tropical storm, and as a result of this, we have lost our Farmlands for this season and perhaps the next. It is my hope that our recently found island will be able to sustain an ecosystem and have fertile enough grounds that we can grow our necessary crops on. I do not expect a large harvest this fall, so Tanglewood will have to look to methods of food preservation come the thaw.", he stood up, tail flicking behind him as he walked along the edge of the fountain to try and rest his rolling mind.
"I would like to ask for someone, anyone, to take on the job of hosting some tasks this month. Some more specific requests would be to ask Kiara to host some sparring lessons, and Seven to host some medical lessons. I will help the two of you out where I can. I would like to ask for there to be plans created and carried out for the construction of a dock for our newly acquired ships.", he paused as he stumbled, the Luminary struggling for a good moment as he forced himself to a stop, claws sinking into the slightly thawed muddy ground, gray eyes staring down at his paws for a moment.
Lifting his head as he felt bile rising in his throat, swallowing harshly, "I would like Tanglewood to have some fun and relaxation. It would be great if we could have some sort of feast or event celebrating the Spring's return, if anyone would like to help with this, please approach me or anyone else who wants to work on this small festivity. Ah. As for this month's Meeting with the other groups, you don't need to go if you would prefer to stay away, considering all ... that has happened. Be wary if you decide to attend, please. Over the coming month I will be assembling an exploration and settling team to be dispatched for our isla-", the male couldn't speak or breathe for a moment as the creeping darkness swept over him with the intense sensation of nausea before the ground came rushing up to meet him as his legs buckled.
The cheetah collapsed to the ground without so much more than a wheezing gasp, temporary covering over his injured eye coming away and revealing the infected injury. It was something he kept meaning to tend but following the initial fight on the island he had been absorbed in working and procrastinating getting it checked over, that an infection had set in with a wicked fever. The infection and fever had won, rendering the Luminary an unconscious pile of limbs at the foot of the fountain, breath struggling in his lungs.
TLDR:; - welcome to our newest members: Lucedon, Raymond, Diesie, Venemousimpulse, Boy, Culdanth, Liqeuor, Mustacciuoli, Pere, and Lunareclipse!
- discussion of fighting Typhoon for the island and the Feb. Meeting
- Alliances have been updated -> Typhoon and Covenant are Neutral-Enemies while Pitt and CoTC are Neutral allies with hopes to become Allies
- Titles! Lucinder, Solsken, Seven and Red have earned new titles with their efforts!
- keep your eyes out for a communal Mask Vigil in the next week or so!
- Ambassadors have been requested to visit their groups, and there has been a removal of Typhoon Ambassador (potentially to be filled at a later time)
- searching for someone to host some task suggestions, Kiara to lead a sparring session and Seven for medical lessons. Looking for someone to create some plans for docks and for some to help create a spring festivity
- beware of this month's Meeting in the Neutral Grounds! Will anything happen?
- Aesior is suffering from infection in his wounds and has subsequently collapsed mid-announcement
( Aesior is now unconscious and will not be posted anymore during the meeting! )
( Permission to move him as needed has been given! )
So much shit had happened, as of late.
It was his responsibility to look after Tanglewood and keep them from harm. It was his job to make sure their allies were alright, to send out Ambassadors. The February meeting had ended in a three way war with two groups fleeing to try to avoid the violence: Tanglewood was not one of them. Romulus had fallen. He had not done his job properly.
He had to fix that.
Standing up from the spot he had been lying in the morning sun, paws under his head as his eyes stared out into nothing for a while, absorbed by the whispers of a voice he could hear, of a dream he was haunted by. The wounded tom made his way towards the collapsed statue water feature in the middle of the camp, standing at it's feet and gazing up at the top. It felt too far away. Taking a shaken breath as the world felt like it spun around him, the Luminary shook himself and bunched his muscles. Leaping onto the rim of the fountain, he padded until he found a comfortable spot and let his form shape change, the gray pelted cheetah sliding forth in place of his gray tabby body. Sitting there for a moment, he observed the bodies coming closer in curiosity, finally calling out, "Members of Tanglewood, come before me now. We will be having a meeting."
This form was slightly more comfortable though his head still pounded and light hurt his remaining eye. The few leaves he wore over the missing eye were held in place by hastily wrapped vines, heat radiating from the wound as he sat as tall as he could before the group he led. Clearing his throat, Aesior would cast a blurry glance over the faces in front of him, mouth feeling all too dry so suddenly. "I would like to extend a warm welcome to our latest members. Welcome to Tanglewood, Lucedon, Raymond, Diesie, Venemousimpulse, Boy, Culdanth, Liqeuor, Mustacciuoli, Pere and Lunareclipse. I apologize for not welcoming you earlier. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to approach myself or another.", he would begin his announcements, looking over everyone again.
"I would like to announce a few things. Those of you that are new to our home here, may be aware of tensions erupting. We have previously received knowledge of an island in conjunction with our current land borders, brought to us by Alexandre of The Typhoon, who is currently a prisoner of war here. Following this news, I led a fleet of ships to the island and discovered that The Typhoon had begun to set up camp. We engaged with them in battle before chasing them off the island. We attended the monthly meeting between groups, where another brawl erupted with The Typhoon. During this scuffle, the Kingpin of the Coalition was felled by a previously unexpected enemy belonging to a group called The Covenant. Following this meeting, The Typhoon will no longer be considered an ally and will be put to the position of Neutral-Enemies. They will be demoted to Enemies if there is another provocation. The Covenant will be considered Neutral-Enemies; treat them with caution. The Pitt will remain Neutral and the Coalition will remain Neutral as well. We will be looking to improve our relations with these groups."
He paused for a while to let the information sink in and to catch his breath, wondering just how long he could speak for. He was frankly quite exhausted and just wanted to retreat to a quieter part of camp to sulk in peace perhaps. He took a moment to ground himself as the world rocked before his view, shifting a paw as it felt like the world bucked. Clearing his throat with a frown, he steadied his uneven breaths, "Lucinder, Red, Solsken and Seven, please step forward. I wish to bestow upon you, Lucinder, Red and Solsken, the title of Berserker for your recent combat efforts. I wish to bestow upon you Seven, the title of Hallow for your medical efforts as my Shadow Reaper. Please come forward to collect your tags. You may affix them to your masks.", he gestured to the small collection of carved and wooden tags sitting at his paws before moving on.
"The topic of Masks brings to my attention that many of our newest members have yet to complete their Mask Vigils. In Tanglewood, our Masks are symbolic stories of our lives, and they may be adjusted and touched upon as our lives progress. We will be holding a large Mask Vigil this month at some time, please look forward to participating in it.", he cleared his throat for another pause. Would it be better to let some of them get words in edgewise? Best to push on for a bit, yet. He had enough to say to talk their ears off.
"This brings me to the topic of Ambassadors. A bit of a backtracking, apologies folks. I will be removing Corrupttimelines from his position as the Ambassador to the Typhoon because of his absence and our current alliance status with them. As for our other Ambassadors, I will ask Atticus and Merlin to visit The Pitt and The Coalition and seek into how they are faring. Feel free to take others with you. Please express my condolences about Romulus, Merlin. His ... passing was an unaccounted for outcome of the Meeting.", his voice drifted for a bit with a twinge of sadness in his face. The other was a strong leader, it would be hard to see what would become of the Coalition without another Kingpin like him.
Pausing as yet again the world spun and darkness began to creep up on the edges of his vision, the Luminary swaying a bit in place, "Spring is beginning to return to us, and with it, comes change. That we can see for ourselves. I touched on this in our last meeting but Tanglewood has suffered territory damage from the tropical storm, and as a result of this, we have lost our Farmlands for this season and perhaps the next. It is my hope that our recently found island will be able to sustain an ecosystem and have fertile enough grounds that we can grow our necessary crops on. I do not expect a large harvest this fall, so Tanglewood will have to look to methods of food preservation come the thaw.", he stood up, tail flicking behind him as he walked along the edge of the fountain to try and rest his rolling mind.
"I would like to ask for someone, anyone, to take on the job of hosting some tasks this month. Some more specific requests would be to ask Kiara to host some sparring lessons, and Seven to host some medical lessons. I will help the two of you out where I can. I would like to ask for there to be plans created and carried out for the construction of a dock for our newly acquired ships.", he paused as he stumbled, the Luminary struggling for a good moment as he forced himself to a stop, claws sinking into the slightly thawed muddy ground, gray eyes staring down at his paws for a moment.
Lifting his head as he felt bile rising in his throat, swallowing harshly, "I would like Tanglewood to have some fun and relaxation. It would be great if we could have some sort of feast or event celebrating the Spring's return, if anyone would like to help with this, please approach me or anyone else who wants to work on this small festivity. Ah. As for this month's Meeting with the other groups, you don't need to go if you would prefer to stay away, considering all ... that has happened. Be wary if you decide to attend, please. Over the coming month I will be assembling an exploration and settling team to be dispatched for our isla-", the male couldn't speak or breathe for a moment as the creeping darkness swept over him with the intense sensation of nausea before the ground came rushing up to meet him as his legs buckled.
The cheetah collapsed to the ground without so much more than a wheezing gasp, temporary covering over his injured eye coming away and revealing the infected injury. It was something he kept meaning to tend but following the initial fight on the island he had been absorbed in working and procrastinating getting it checked over, that an infection had set in with a wicked fever. The infection and fever had won, rendering the Luminary an unconscious pile of limbs at the foot of the fountain, breath struggling in his lungs.
TLDR:; - welcome to our newest members: Lucedon, Raymond, Diesie, Venemousimpulse, Boy, Culdanth, Liqeuor, Mustacciuoli, Pere, and Lunareclipse!
- discussion of fighting Typhoon for the island and the Feb. Meeting
- Alliances have been updated -> Typhoon and Covenant are Neutral-Enemies while Pitt and CoTC are Neutral allies with hopes to become Allies
- Titles! Lucinder, Solsken, Seven and Red have earned new titles with their efforts!
- keep your eyes out for a communal Mask Vigil in the next week or so!
- Ambassadors have been requested to visit their groups, and there has been a removal of Typhoon Ambassador (potentially to be filled at a later time)
- searching for someone to host some task suggestions, Kiara to lead a sparring session and Seven for medical lessons. Looking for someone to create some plans for docks and for some to help create a spring festivity
- beware of this month's Meeting in the Neutral Grounds! Will anything happen?
- Aesior is suffering from infection in his wounds and has subsequently collapsed mid-announcement
( Aesior is now unconscious and will not be posted anymore during the meeting! )
( Permission to move him as needed has been given! )
![[Image: 54052220_bSgC1qMcu4yAavD.png]](https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/54052220_bSgC1qMcu4yAavD.png)