Beasts of Beyond
SILVERTONGUE / MEETING 4.25 - Printable Version

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Spring time was slowly crawling away to make way for summer time and Pincher was not entirely too sure he liked it. He knew that the Typhoon was able to remain cool mainly due to the expansive ocean that stretched towards the horizon but still, he felt his lean figure feel a wave of heat overtake it as soon as he stepped out of the Capricorn Tavern with a limp tentacle hanging out of his pale caramel paws. As he chewed the live octopus, he wrinkled his nose as he felt the writhing limb try to push it's tip into his nostrils which caused the doberman to let out a grunt to rumble in his throat. Fresh octopus tasted delicious but was a pain to eat as he simply kept gnawing on his lunch, realizing that he was fucking late to his own meeting arrangement. "Oh shit, shit, shit, shit." Was all that came from his stuffed face as the obsidian canine picked up the pace to head towards the lumbering turtle statue that was at the center of their camp. Halting briefly in front of it, Pincher called out "Meeting at the Deep Sea Dome! Hurry up, I've got shit to tell you lot!" At the end of his sentence, their oh so wonderful leader felt the slime of the octopus tickle his throat and caused him to have a loud coughing fit erupt from him as he padded away, velvety ears drawn back as he tried to not die from eating lunch. As he reached the rocky tunnel that slowly developed itself to become crystal smooth glass, the bright blue glow of the sun's reflection into the sea bathed Pincher and he glanced briefly up, noticing a tiger shark had it's teeth sinking into a limb of some poor trespasser that had tried to slip into their island. Probably Tanglewood but Pincher didn't have time to care for them at the moment, instead he needed to focus on his crew and what positons would need to be filled up to let it become more functioning.

Reaching the dome, Pincher felt a shiver roll down his spine when he realized what day it was. Small flashes of memories began to burn inside his head, piercing the cool atmosphere that he tried so hard to keep around him. He halted in front of the throne, warm sapphire blue eyes turning to slits of frigid arctic when he remembered. The sinking of teeth into flesh. The tear and spill of crimson blood. It was all coming back to him but the doberman's pinned ears snapped upwards when he heard footsteps. The rest of the Typhoon was soon to arrive and it was best that they do not see him in this state. His lower jaw clenched as the well-built canine hopped lightly on top of the throne, glancing briefly towards the vase that held the ceremonial drink for members he believed deserved to be promoted. He rolled his broad shoulders as he listened to the footsteps getting closer, allowing his mind to shut down any insecurity, any trace of fear. He had to focus or he would sink in this damn dome. Once enough members had arrived, the Captain allowed a cool chairsmatic smirk to crack onto his muzzle as the male gave a light nod towards everyone as they settled down. Alright seemed like enough members so he decided to start. "For the fuckers that show up to these meetings, I want to thank you for not being lazy asshats. As of now, I will begin to take note of who's here to meetings so think this as a good way to get noticed if you ever want to rise ranks, mates." He began, blunt and straight to the point as he pressed his dark back against the support of the throne, enjoying the feeling of the cool surface of it creating tiny spikes of enjoyable shocks down his spine. He knew he shouldn't promote only members that show up to the official meetings but the male would begin to take note on who was actually here to listen to him. He knew meetings were boring as shit but he needed to get his say to his crew or their communication would become messy and disorganized.

"I've bumped into some new freshies around here and don't try to hide from me, I'm pointing you folks out right now. Séamus, Lilypoise, Tesserae, and Maisie. Séamus seems to know some members from the Typhoon already but I know damn well he doesn't know everyone here. Lilypoise is a nice chick so don't forget to say hello. Tesserae came to us not in the best of health but now she's got us to deal with so take it easy on her. And Maisie, my the lady knows how to come in with a grand show of mist to get our attention. Welcome to the Typhoon....and my two kids, Coldblue, Roman and Goldenluxury. They are a pain in my ass so you will have to deal with them too." He commented, remembering all of their first impressions. The members of the Typhoon were an odd lot, members that did came from various different backgrounds and yet Pincher hardly knew anyone beyond their surface and he believed perhaps this would let him bring up the decision for a meet and greet party later on. However, he quickly shifted gears and decides to get to the juicy part of the meeting. "If none of you have kept track about politics, here's the little spill on what's happening. Tanglewood is still our slimy enemy so I still want some captures or kills, go all out if you want to, I don't give a shit what you do. However, I have spoken recently to the leader of the Ascendants and we have decided to become allies. So try not to cause any trouble unless you want a damn strike on ya record. Snowbound is off-limits as well for we are working on a trial alliance to see if things sail smoothly. I will be creating an ambassador program soon so if you are interested, keep an eye out for that." Politics and smooth-talking had always been Pincher's strong suit. Perhaps his father's brother, Archie was the reason behind this. The doberman's web of thought was filled with strings of ideas and future plans, ones that he dreamed of completing in the future.

His vibrant aqua eyes danced to each face that had eyes locked and focused on him, Pincher coming to terms that they were depending on him to continue. He wanted to but he felt a stinging pain jab itself into his skull and he felt his left eye twitch while he bit down on his salmon pink tongue. Migraines. They always came when cursed memories tried to push themselves into his head. However, he gave his head a light shake before deciding to continue "Weekly tasks are up so get them while they're hot! If you actually do them then I will be impressed and even realize you are capable of having some responsibility and being promoted. Also there are medical tryouts going out right now! I'm supervising it and if you think you have what it takes to deal with us coming all battered up then go check it out before it's too late. You can either participate or listen to me struggling on the subject of healing. Next thing I'll be speaking about is promotions so listen up" Pincher drawled while raising a muscular back leg to paw at an itch behind his pointed large ear, deciding to wait a bit and take a small break from all the information that was being processed by his group. Plus he needed to breathe unless they wanted him to pass out right then and there.

main points
- warm welcome to seamus/lilypoise/tesserae/maisie/coldblue/roman/goldenluxury
- the ascendants and snowbound are allies (ambassador program will be added soon)
- brownie points for people that post in meetings + actually do their weekly tasks/ooc prompts
- check out weekly tasks as well as medical tryouts !!
- second part of the meeting will be posted after enough replies
- apologies for the late meeting, life has been hectic af

Re: SILVERTONGUE / MEETING 4.25 - Verdigris - 04-25-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]/new hit single: "my first reply in over a week" feat. Paper's internal monologue snarking about the lateness

  That morning, Papercutter had woken up surprisingly lucid. His paw hadn't wavered in and out of his vision when he held it in front of his face, he could remember who the Typhoon's leader was (his previous guesses each morning varied from "Blankslate" to "the Kraken," but today he immediately recalled "Pincher"), and most importantly, his head wasn't screaming at him to get down every time he stood up. Sure, it had taken far longer to recover than he would've expected for someone of his physical constitution, but going to the infirmary one day and returning a week later was better than dropping dead.

  At Pincher's call, however, the jackal had to feel his forehead with one paw to make sure he wasn't feverish again. He could've sworn it was Wednesday, not Saturday. "Whatever, the medic can wait," he muttered to himself, emerging from the jungle and jogging over to the Deep Sea Dome. He'd get checked later, most likely.

  Arriving in front of Pincher, Paper listened intently to the announcements. First were the new members- of course, it was always important to make new squadmates feel like they belonged. Then came the matter of alliances; Tanglewood and the Ascendants he'd known about, but Snowbound being a trial ally... so they were locking Tanglewood out of the political framework. "Not a half-bad strategy," he noted under his breath, flicking his good ear. Ambassadorship, whatever that meant, probably wasn't for him, but more power to whoever wanted to do it. Nor were medical tryouts, but weekly tasks were probably important, so he'd take one of those, too.

  Promotions were next, then. Paper glanced towards the entrance, a soft sigh escaping his maw. Working his way back up to Striker would probably take some time, but if he'd been able to pull it off the first time, he could do it again. There was no shame in temporarily relinquishing power (especially not when the alternative was making a fool of yourself stumbling around in a haze and spouting gibberish), as long as you were ready to earn it back.

Re: SILVERTONGUE / MEETING 4.25 - lilyspoise - 04-26-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
This was her first meeting, so she wanted to be on time, and make a good impression. When she heard Pincher's call for a meeting she packed up her herb pouches, tossing them into her house before she made her way to the Deep Sea Dome.

Lilyspoise hadn't really spent much time here, but it certainly was a beautiful place. Well, it would be more-so if a shark wasn't eating a feline right before her eyes, but hey, it could be worse she supposed. She had a home, and she was starting to make friends again. She was learning more about local herbs and was settling into a new life. It was hard, undoubtedly, but she had no other choice. She had to move forward now, even if she felt empty while doing so.

As Lil heard her own name, she suddenly looked up, realizing that the meeting had started while she had been spacing out. The fact that Pincher thought she was nice was a bit surprising, as she didn't know him very well, but she was happy that that was the impression she'd given off thus far. She found it funny that he was welcoming everyone but happened to get her name wrong, but took no offense to it. It was a highly common mistake, the prefix of her name being lily's instead of lily or even lilies threw many people off, and it was why she often went by Lil instead.

The topic of politics was stuff Lil mostly knew-- she had spoken to Jacob when he visited from Snowbound and had heard about the Tanglewood because, well, it was hard not to have. The Ascendant's was a name she'd heard about too, but straying outside of the clan wasn't something Lilyspoise really intended to do. Weekly tasks and medical tryouts she knew about, too-- she was participating in both.
"Noted thus far, Pincher." Lilyspoise said, remembering from her old group that leaving the leader to just stand there and hope everyone was listening was impolite, let alone nerve-wracking for the leader themselves.

Re: SILVERTONGUE / MEETING 4.25 - Luciferr - 04-26-2018

Hymn of Ruin
The Resident winged shadow of Typhoon made his way at a languid stalk towards the forming group - he'd caught the information easily enough - trouble with tanglewood still, pincher's new kids, the fresh faces around - and the business with ascendants and snowbound, hm another day another dollar.

the great dragon shifted and settled comfortably beside Lilypoise - with a nod to her and another to Pincher and paper in greeting as they settled in for the rest of the meeting.

/low muse, wrote when tired sorry for any mistakes ;-;

Re: SILVERTONGUE / MEETING 4.25 - ARGUS - 04-26-2018


Argus was not unaware of her own clumsy nature, rare as it was- it did show from time to time. Sleep ridden with the scent of coffeebeans her paws was always the most common time. The watcher drifting from place to place with no real purpose but to fimilarize herself with the living rather than the dead that haunted her sleep. It was rare enough that she would find sleep. It was more common for her to be clumsy whilist in a rage. Grace and athoraty that she naturally held within her air bleed away into something savage and feral. Eyes glowing with the promise- the need of blood as her power lashed around her.

She felt it now, like a promise in the air her body shifted to hide it. Dark dull eyes zeroed in on the leader. To anyone, it looked like a rough night, but argus did not sleep. She had not slept in quite some time. But she was- there. Mindlessly listening for the moment as she continued to survey the ones that showed up at the meeting.

Re: SILVERTONGUE / MEETING 4.25 - georgie - 04-27-2018

She ventured over like a tired child on stilts: wobbly as hell, eventually falling. the collapse didn’t seem to bother Georgie and, in fact, she didn’t look like she registered it, anyway. The spotted thing kept her eyes focused straight ahead and ears perked, looking to all the world like someone capable of hearing and processing information lucidly, barring how her breathing rate and frequent loss of balance made her appear otherwise.

Re: SILVERTONGUE / MEETING 4.25 - coldblue - 04-27-2018

no stranger to the danger
a wide yawn splits the child's features and he listlessly strolls along with the crowd, half-lidded eyes observing the gathered persons with a mixture of fatigue and mild curiosity. coldblue is not tired because he has actually done anything productive, per say, but he has done lots of lazing about recently which has totally wiped his reserved energy. so now he feels even more lazy. a single, triangular ear twitches in response to hearing his father speak his name. me? a pain in his ass? the boy holds back a dry laugh. coldblue is still young, but he is pretty sure that his mother has caused more trouble than he ever has. sure, he is a useless lump of fur most days whose only interest is music and art and maybe exploring, but blue would call that type of behavior "disappointing," not a pain in the ass.

"bite me," he mutters under his breath as he languidly strolls towards an open space in the crowd. he searches for goldie or roman (or even guru), but it seems he is the first of his family aside from dear ol' dad to have arrived. he yawns again, just as pincher begins his tirade about the tanglewood. slimy, huh? blue thinks he might have to pay them a visit, if not only because he's too young to actually do anything productive and he likes to push the limits of his relative safety. where's the fun if he's not risking capture, torture, or death?

he listens to the rest closely, even if he appears to be dozing off. the medical tryouts in particular catch his interest. coldblue is not opposed to learning how to fight or anything, but he really hates getting dirty and he thinks that if he learns how to heal people, there is a reduced chance of finding himself covered in blood and mud and other nasty stuff. "is there, like, an age requirement, pop?" he asks loudly, foregoing any formalities because he is the captain's son and he will call his father whatever he pleases. "yannow, to, like, heal people 'n stuff."

Re: SILVERTONGUE / MEETING 4.25 - MADI - 04-27-2018

Re: SILVERTONGUE / MEETING 4.25 - tesserae - 04-29-2018

Tesserae was there with a small smile on her face, happy to have had the shoutout. Having the spotlight on her was a bit weird, since she wasn't used to it, but for the most part it was welcome. The fluffy maine coon sat in silence, looking around for others she knew as she listened.


Re: SILVERTONGUE / MEETING 4.25 - Keona. - 04-30-2018

✯ — female. beta of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat. ref. bio.
Keona trickled in with her clanmates silently, finding a place to sit near the back of the crowd.  The names were a fast jumble in her brain, though she did know a few from seeing them around camp, and Seamus she definitely recognized as her newfound uncle.  After that it all went over her little head.  Politics.  War.  Her paws shuffled, ears flicking back.  A pirate since birth, Keona knew a bit about warfare, but young as she was, had not experienced any of it and for the moment, remained rather uninterested in the concept.  She did not like hurting others, and she hoped others did not like hurting her.  At least the Ascendants and Snowbound were interested in the not-fighting side of things.

She hummed softly, and tucked her paws beneath her chest as she waited for the rest.
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