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A.I am human| Joining - Printable Version

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A.I am human| Joining - Nasrin - 11-05-2018


This world was different.

At least that was Nasrin thought as she walked down the coastline carefully, her sleek body almost glimmering in the sunlight rather fading sunlight, as if there was like flecks on gold in her black as charcoal coat.  Perhaps there was but who could tell,  the feline like creature quietly padded into the a unknown territory only impressed of how beautiful it looked.

She was familiar with palm trees and burning sands. 

All she knew that the fates were kind enough to spare her from a fate worse than death for the crimes she had committed in order to avenge her beloved and her family.    A temptress they called her, a whore, a complete mad woman for what she had done to get revenge on those who destroyed her family ome.  What they say was madness,  she saw as justice,  what they call cruelty,  she did as what was she could deem as clarity was what they were quick to drag her through crowds of people bellowing  on her blood to stain the gallows below like the thousands who had lost their lives before her.

A faint ghost of a smile played onto the woman’s lips, she was delighted.  Perhaps she could rebuild her empire from the ground up, perhaps she might be lucky enough to invoke the spirits of her deceased family to watch over her and guide her steps into success

Evidently the woman came to a stop, her long slender legs with modest sized paws gently touching the sun warmed sands beneath her, her tail graciously curled around her paws.  Eyes of hazel glimmered briefly watching the world around her,  she would sit waiting.  She was patient, she was pose. 

She was a monarch after all, or rather she used to be. 

code by spacexual

Re: A.I am human| Joining - DELILAH. - 11-05-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
— Take a moment to think of just
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
- medic
19 months old

physically medium
emotionally easy
mentally easy

demiheterosexual heteroromantic
in love with renegadeanthems

completely blind
skittish & sensitive

nature faerie
earth manipulation
x-ray vision

It seems the earth was giving her plenty of signs these days, moving and shifting the mud under her paws to feel just what changes were actually being made. A woman, the scent on the air told her so. So, the girl had walked as fast as she could to greet her, muddy paws slapping against the ground as the blind medic rushed over.

Once there, the pastel feline gave a tired smile towards the newcomer. "Welcome to Tanglewood, my name is Delilah. I'm the medic here. How can I help you?" Meowed the girl, her tail wrapping over her paws.
[Image: pine_threes_f2u_by_ao_no_lupus-d9ydzfl.png]

Re: A.I am human| Joining - Nasrin - 11-05-2018

It wasn't very often that Nas would meet a blind person, hell from where she was from anyone who didn't have sight were treated in high regard. So there was no doubt in her mind, she wouldn't do the same for Delilah.  It was cruel to not do such a thing, so the woman nodded almost in shocked to see a feline of such a color of fur.  Pink, how interesting.

" Delilah that's a lovely name. I wish to join my name is Nasrin."  the serval spoke for the first in what seem to be ages, a voice as soft as silk but still could hold some kind of edge like a well concealed weapon. After the woman took great pride in her structure sort of speak. 
code by spacexual

Re: A.I am human| Joining - HAMMOND - 11-05-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]For most, it perhaps would've been strange for the Cattle Dog to have ghosted Delilah on her way to the borders. With his interactions with the feline limited and his reputation for being sociable non-existent, the reasons for Axle to cautiously follow the recently returned female were few and far between. Knowing parts of his personality behind his pragmatism and serious nature justified some of it, in the end, it was at the Guardsman's discretion to reveal what he was doing. Escaping from his shelter among the foliage, the cautious canine would settle next to their medic, ears pricked and tail raised - alert. There was a reason he seemed absent from the borders plenty of times, it was because he wasn't good at introducing newcomers, with threats looming over the home he'd made at the moment however, Axle'd have to stop being so isolated in case another clanmate got whisked away.

Remember. Losing a life means the group you're apart of also weakens. That was his justification for caring so much, the blue merle refusing to admit it had anything to do with his protective nature slowly returning. He'd counter his thoughts with 'less mouths to feed' if that trait didn't play a part but it wasn't something so easily accepted when he'd spent a year by himself. A quiet growl escaped him as he lowered his head, not inherently aggressive, just a warning not to try anything if the two turned their backs. This creature was foreign to these lands after all, with no tales of their deeds reaching his ears, it was risky to allow a stranger to assimilate. "Maybe," he huffed, voice raspy and slurred from under use. "Other can say yes or no,". Being a High Position, it was obvious that Axle had the authority to allow Nasrin in... he just didn't feel comfortable with that authority.

Re: A.I am human| Joining - Nasrin - 11-05-2018

The woman nodded, that made sense. For she might get rejected and be sent somewhere else.  She saw no error in that regard. Still with her back straight as a rod, she would patiently await any further judgement.

"I understand the caution of letting a complete stranger into your home. Brings some kind of risks. I assure you that I am not a threat." she spoke confidently shuffling her paws to get more comfortable on the ground she was sitting on.
code by spacexual

Re: A.I am human| Joining - Morgan - 11-06-2018

"I believe you."

Morgan padded forward from a short distance away, a bit later than he had hoped to be. He stopped beside Axle and whispered,
"It'll be alright. This is just routine, isn't it?"
Besides that, the aura the outlander carried was not one of malice. Turning back to face the new arrival, he continued,
"My name is Morgan, and I'm the leader of our group. You can join us if you'd like - we'd be happy to have you as long as you help contribute."

Without having been around to catch the beginning of the conversation, the General asked,
"Oh, and... what's your name, then? I don't think I heard it."