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Tanglewood Leader Applications - Printable Version

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Tanglewood Leader Applications - Orion - 11-06-2020

Hello BoBCats! Today will be the start of our Tanglewood leader applications. This has been a long time coming and we hope to see your applications. Feel free to make them as long or as short as necessary. Remember, quality over quantity! Please also remember that not only does the factors of your IC character come into play, but also your OOC behavior as a user. So keep your head up and apply!

What BoB looks for in a leader:
- Activity: A leader must be active and comply with Beasts of Beyond's activity rules on-site to lead properly. Not only this, but an active leader attracts other characters and brings a welcoming environment. Review the activity requirements here within the guide tab for more information.
- Character: Characters with a compelling concept, rather than a bland Mary Sue, can give a clan a whole new vibe.
- Open-Minded: Having an open heart and mind is key to roleplay. With this, a user and their character can easily adapt through situations and embrace new ideas. Whether these ideas come from staff or many users, we want to see the community thrive due to the input and output of our members.
- Plotting: To keep things 'fresh' and 'new,' leaders should engage in a multitude of plotting. This includes plotting with other groups, attending monthly meetings, and discussing plots amongst your group. Group-wide plots, along with site-wide plots, also encourage activity and involvement that keeps a community going.
- Taking Charge: As a community leader, you should be able to effectively communicate and decipher your group's needs. This includes independently hosting events and recognizing the downfalls/how to improve the group as a whole.
- OOC Connection: Communicating out of roleplay is also a big factor. This not only allows the characters to get their IC opinion in, but also the true opinion of the OOC users themselves. Along with this, chatting can lead to interesting plots or opportunities for you and your group.
- Experience: While not required, leadership or IC experience would be preferable. This allows staff to oversee past experience and analyze your capabilities. Nonetheless, new applicants are very much welcomed!

Application Basics
Please remember to include these aspects: username, character name and bio, potential plots/ideas, and why your leadership would be beneficial. Here is a basic form to get you started. You may use post templates and images as you wish, but please stick to the basic format.

[b]Username:[/b] Not your display name. The one you login with.
[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Character Description/Bio:[/b]
[b]Potential Plots/Ideas:[/b]
[b]Why would your leadership be beneficial for Tanglewood and what do you offer to the group as a whole?:[/b]

Re: Tanglewood Leader Applications - kinglykingstone - 11-06-2020

-rhosmari link
-Stilly. link

Re: Tanglewood Leader Applications - Cosmic - 11-06-2020

Applying and tracking!

Re: Tanglewood Leader Applications - rhosmari - 11-06-2020

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; "]tracking and will update here with application : D

Username: exotica
Character Name: Elsweyr
Character Description/Bio: Currently Els here is a charcoal colored king cheetah who most times wears a crocodile skull on her head. She has beads and braided locks in her shaggy mane and multiple bone piercings in her ears and in the left nostril of her nose. She comes from a land that is rather far away, considering of deserts and jungles. Her tribe is nomadic and often have to deal with other tribes warring against their own for the sake of following the herds and survival. She has recently come to tanglewood and had settled in, meeting new faces and trying to understand and catch her bearings on this journey to find herself when the takeover happened.

Her bio can be found here, although it does need to be updated a little bit more lol bio/tags

Potential Plots/Ideas: My number one plan that I would love to do is to get a consistent idea for Tanglewood by getting information from all those that currently rp there as well as the opinions of what others think outside as well. Normally I do this from an anonymous survey that everyone can get their thoughts and opinions out as clearly as possible. Once I do that and find common ground I would love to try and use these ideas as well as those that are new to come to a compromise on what can be improved and added or what could be taken away. Tanglewood has a lot of awesome traditions that I've seen, especially the mask one and it would be so cool to try and use these although I'd there is too much sometimes it would be better to simplify or even start over. But I normally leave that to the community to help decide.

Next I would love to work on outer relations seeing as since I was on here last and it was off and on Tanglewood seemed to have faded from political talk. Plus didn't see much from allies or that much from enemies besides takeovers. Perhaps a new beginning with alliances and forming different bonds may help with that approach and more frequent outside plotting that could fuel different situations.

Why would your leadership be beneficial for Tanglewood and what do you offer to the group as a whole?: Personally I feel like I could bring various things to the table when it comes to Tanglewood. I feel like a leadership with a character who is foreign and learning the ropes of the group and understanding can bring about a lot of plots, both personal and group wide. Especially when it comes to ideas that she may personally have that might not line up with the group as a whole. Having personal conflict icly because of certain decisions being made and working through through them I have found does wonders for relations and also natural progressions for friendships and bonding. Plus it helps with the growth of a character to grow and understand from various mistakes. I also OOC can offer my experience as I have led a group on BoB before, one that used to be a boarded group named Sunhaven with a character named Marina Monroe. I also have experience from leading ten other times over my course of rping over on FF which also includes traditional.

Re: Tanglewood Leader Applications - Whisper - 11-06-2020


Re: Tanglewood Leader Applications - stilly. - 11-06-2020

Username: stilly.
Character Name: Aurum
Character Description/Bio: Aurum is a winged African lion who has been within Tanglewood on and off for about a year and a half now. He was formerly the heir to the throne of a pride of lions he had been born into, but eventually he ended up being threatened with death if he didn't leave and go after his brother, Poetking. He ultimately ended up in Tanglewood, and has developed slowly over time from a somewhat cold and impersonal power obsessed character into a far more warm family-oriented angel who just wants to help those that he cares about. He has been the proxy/deputy of the group before, and was acting as an advisor to Vig until the other was taken.

Despite no longer being leadership and power-obsessed, Aurum still cares greatly about Tanglewood, and has leadership training from his past that makes him uniquely icly qualified to step up as leader. He even stepped up alongside Elsweyr during the recent Coalition of the Condemned crisis in order to come up with a plan to fight back, although it was ultimately unsuccessful. His tags/bio are here, although they do need updating.
Potential Plots/Ideas: A New Sense of Identity. One of the things that drives most away from Tanglewood is the fact that it doesn't really have a distinct identity to it. From the outside, they seem very bland, because they're a band of outcasts all come together, but they're outcasts who came together to do... seemingly nothing. Aurum would work to provide Tanglewood with a new sense of identity, mainly focused around their old trickster way of life. The group as a whole would end up being focused more on causing chaos, although it isn't meant to be damaging chaos, just fun. In addition to this, Aurum would focus more on the spirituality of the group. Despite having events concerning ghosts in the past – and even a ghost as their founder – Tanglewood doesn't tend to focus very much on spirituality or religion. I believe that, if Tanglewood had stronger beliefs, they would also have a stronger central theme, as well as a way to give more meaning to their pre-existing traditions, such as the masks. This isn't even mentioning the fact that there are many trickster gods to choose from.

Plots Involving the Radiation of the Swamp. Despite living in a highly irradiated swamp, Tanglewood hasn't had very many plots or interactions concerning mutated beasts / conflict from that. I think it would be very interesting to have new groupwide plots focused around fighting mutated beasts, or having to figure out what to do after a potential outbreak of side effects from radiation made worse by the earthquakes from not so long ago. Not only could this lead to interesting plot lines with intriguing stories, but it could also lead to more mutated characters, with complex backgrounds concerning how the radiation affected them.

A More Friendly Environment. Although this is less of an issue at the moment due to the decreased number of members, cliques have been a problem within Tanglewood for a long time. They're one of the main things that have driven people away from Tanglewood, and caused them to have bad memories of the group. I would be interested in implementing better anti-clique measures that create a more welcoming environment. This includes a buddy-system that can lead to fun open threads with characters getting to know each other and having a way to interact. This buddy system could even include rewards, such as gem prizes. I also think that having new and refreshed onsite ooc threads for interaction would be good. Or, alternatively, unofficial mod roles within the Tanglewood discord in order to keep things civil, and encourage interaction.

Fun Events Focused for Activity. I want to bring new traditions and events to Tanglewood! Events that will not only encourage activity within Tanglewood itself, but activity for other groups as well. This can include a rotating target each month that isn't for raiding or hurting, but for pranks. Some new tradition ideas I have include a giant Halloween raid where the entire group goes dressed in costumes, gatherings every few months that draws other groups in for "fun" activities while actually figuring out their strengths and weaknesses for protection reasons. I also think expanding on the mask tradition would be fun, such as having the masks altered slightly when a character does something or goes through the ranks.
Why would your leadership be beneficial for Tanglewood and what do you offer to the group as a whole?: I Have a Personal Investment in Tanglewood. In truth, Tanglewood was the first group on the site that I became fully invested in. My first character was in The Typhoon, but I didn't connect with most of the community of the site until I joined Tanglewood with Wormwood/Aurum, and I met so many kind people. I've now had Aurum for almost a year and a half, and he has developed so much since I initially created him. He's now one of the characters that I don't think I could ever truly let go of, and I don't think Tanglewood is a group I could ever leave for long. I've left occasionally in the past due to mental health issues, but I haven't really left for more than a month at the time, since I just care about the place so much.

I Have a Lot of Leadership Experience. I've led multiple groups on other sites over the years, and I currently even lead Palmclan, a rather successful backboard group. I have been told that I'm doing a great job of leading Palmclan, and I think that can be reflected in the level of activity that we've got. I believe that I could bring that same level of enthusiasm and effort to Tanglewood, and hopefully pull it out of the rut it has been in for a while. In addition to this, my leadership in Palmclan wouldn't interfere with me leading Tanglewood, since I've managed to remain not only active with Aurum, but also 3 other characters despite multiple plot lines and meetings within Palmclan.

Aurum is a Character I'm Heavily Invested In. As I've said before, Aurum is a character that I've had for a year and a half, and he is one that has developed a ton since he was originally created. Despite this, I still have plenty that I want to do with him, and that means I'm not keen on leaving Tanglewood anytime soon. In addition to this, Aurum has plenty of IC experience with leadership, as he was the proxy/deputy of the group during Leroy's reign, and acted as an advisor during Vigenere's reign. This was not only ic, but ooc as well, as I was always happy to provide information, ideas, and feedback. I even basically acted as stand-in leader while Tobo was having difficulties with activity, so I have experience essentially leading Tanglewood.

I Know the OOC Community Well. I've been in Tanglewood for a long time, and I have been a member of the group through 3 different leaders now. As a result of this, I know a lot about the OOC community, and what strengths and weaknesses that it has. In addition to this, I have a good idea of plots going on with individual characters, and find myself personally invested in them. This makes me uniquely qualified to know how to deal with what issues the group has, and I've also been told of the problems directly by people that want to see them fixed. I love those that are already in the community, and I'm always excited to welcome new people in.

I've Already Contributed a Lot, and I Want to do More. Many of my ideas have already been implemented within Tanglewood before, such as many of the current rank names, as well as several events that have happened. I helped to consult on the prank war between Tanglewood and The Typhoon, and had several suggestions for Halloween events as a whole. I've also already made several important threads, and I'm always happy to plot in a way that is interesting for Tanglewood members. Overall, I just want to continue contributing to Tanglewood's development, and hopefully help with its struggling activity. It's a group I love very much, and I do think I deserve the leader position, even if I'll be happy to help whoever receives it in the end <3

Re: Tanglewood Leader Applications - april . - 11-06-2020


Re: Tanglewood Leader Applications - tikki - 11-06-2020


Re: Tanglewood Leader Applications - Orion - 11-07-2020

Glad to see the interest! Keep those applications coming.

Re: Tanglewood Leader Applications - kinglykingstone - 11-15-2020

bump + don't forget to work on your apps!