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the worst- drabble writing - Printable Version

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the worst- drabble writing - ASVINI - 07-28-2020

// this is me just trying to get asvini muse kickstarted again! you can reply if you want to

The sky was turning a shade of orange- peach, almost. Quiet the contrast to Asvini's dark pelt as she stepped towards the forest. Recently, she had kept her muzzle hidden. Why? She didn't particularly want to see her father. Some "sorry" didn't cut it for her. A bitter look crossed her muzzle as she stepped deep into the twisting woods. Perhaps she was being too hard on him. But then it crossed her soul once again, that burning anger, the deep lashing in her stomach. Left alone. No words, no reason that she could think of.

There was no love there.

It wasn't long before Asvini realized she was walking aimlessly, deep into the dark woods. The sky was no longer painted that color of burning peach- no, it was a deep, inky black, dotted with stars. Her eyes lifted to it. Her pelt was almost blending with it now, and she was.. lost. Her eyes lowered, the four pupils shifting about at her surroundings. Her breathing settled gently, and there was a moment of quiet. The woods were alive around her, strange bird calls, soft noises from frogs down in the swamp.

And she erupted. Her claws unsheathed, the barely-apprentice-aged cub ripped into the bark of the tree. She stumbled backwards. Her chest heaved, and she cried out, leaping forward and jumping up, raking down the tree. Asvini couldn't keep her anger burning enough to do it again, but she stumbled backwards, then forward, her head slamming against the tree next. Her shoulders were pushed forward, ears flattened, and she slowly laid down and pressed up against the trunk.

"Fuck this."


[glow=black,2,300]BREAK THE SILENCE; DAMN THE DARK[/glow]

Re: the worst- drabble writing - DELILAH. - 07-28-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
A soul in pain, echoing the heartbreak and throes of anger. The fae had an odd way of channeling their confusion and hurt into anger, hurting those that didn't respect or make sense to them. Maybe that was why Delilah left her tribe of fae- being born different made her a threat, a disgrace to her mother Titania.

So the sound of a child in distress caught Delilah off guard while she was venturing the territory once more, a low hum escaping her as she lifted her head and crawled over, head and shoulders hunched and lowered as always to seem smaller- less intimidating. Less confident.

"Are you okay, little Asvini?"

It was a worried croon, head leaning forward as the elder woman settled herself down to watch and listen.

"We don't have to talk, if you don't wish to. It's good to have company, though. Even if it's quiet."

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: the worst- drabble writing - wormwood. - 07-31-2020

Aurum couldn't even begin to imagine the pain that he had caused Asvini, much as he tried to understand. Deep down inside, the shaderunner knew that he had his reasoning, but that still didn't quiet the guilt in his heart, and the desperate wishing that he could make things right. He hadn't wanted to explain his motivations behind not telling her of his leaving, not wanting her to live her life in fear, but it seemed as though he would soon have no other choice, if he ever wanted any semblance of a relationship with his daughter again. He knew that explaining it was no guarantee, but perhaps it could at least begin to mend their broken relationship, if Asvini knew of the troubles that their family faced, and how he had wanted to hide her away from them. It hurt to not see her face around the house, and every day that passed without her saying so much as a word to him made him feel awful, his heart heavy and his chest tight.

When he had been woken up by the sound of movement within the house, he had initially wanted to try and stop Asvini, and possibly explain things right then and there. Ultimately, however, he decided against it, figuring she'd only respond with anger. Instead, he had waited until she had already left, heading out and following her aimless trek from afar. With the recent threats that seemed to be reamerging, such as the Pitt, he didn't want her getting caught out there alone. The lion eventually paused when Asvini faced the tree, watching from afar as she lunged forward and tore into it, wincing at the sheer rage that he could see reflected in her. He really needed to make things right, and soon. He then watched as Delilah began to approach her, a faint smile coming to his face. He knew that he would be of no help right now, knowing that Asvini would more than likely just lash out if he tried to comfort her, but hopefully Del could be a comforting presence. With this in mind, the angel sighed heavily before turning to head back home, knowing Asvini would be safe in Delilah's claws.

Re: the worst- drabble writing - ASVINI - 07-31-2020

Her ears swiveled, hearing Delilah approach. She grit her teeth gently, slowly picking her head up. Her two-tone eyes rested on the scarred bark for a moment, before turning her head to face the pink creature. The thoughts surrounding her father, the tense situation within their home, made her hesitate in her answer for an answer. Okay? She grit her teeth, the anger bubbling up again, getting caught in her throat, before it broke free. "You know, no, I'm not okay." Her ears flattened, the piebald creature turning away from the fae.

"All he said to me. All he's tried to say. Will never make up for the fact that he left me. There's zero reason he took my siblings but not me." She prompted, the sound inside her throat choking for a moment, then disappearing as she shook her head. She stepped up to the tree for a moment, pushing her paw against it. In her outbreak, she had missed the sigh Aurum elected before stepping away. Her head turned for a moment, then her eyes closed, and a heavy sigh broke from her chest.

"I won't yell at him again. He gets it, at this point." She uttered- more to herself then to Delilah. "If he doesn't, he never deserved me as a daughter."


[glow=black,2,300]BREAK THE SILENCE; DAMN THE DARK[/glow]