Beasts of Beyond
TOUCH TONE TELEPHONE;; open - cub - Printable Version

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TOUCH TONE TELEPHONE;; open - cub - trojan g. - 07-22-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; max-width: 500px; font-family: Times New Roman;font-size:10pt;text-align:justify;"][[ long story short, in case it's confusing;; there's a serval cub stuck in a trap, he's old enough to know what's going on and where he's at. He's special though. Those that can see auras and souls will notice that there's a *shit ton* of souls occupying the body, three of which Aurum ( and those who have been around for a while and can see souls ) will recognize. Two have been seen once by those members, where one - the one that will be known the most - is Moth's soul. The serval has no memory of being Moth or the other souls at the moment, and is a whole new entity. Some events may trigger memories. ]]

Gentle paw steps splashed into the murky swamp water as Nixabar stepped through the territory of the group known as Tanglewood. Steps slowed as he began to venture further into the territory, stepping away from the border in search of food and maybe some water that seemed to be drinkable. He had been waiting at the border for a little while already, ready to join the others in dwelling in the swamp, but had grown quickly impatient, and wanted to get into the territory and get it over with, quickly.

Golden eyes would blink once before sliding soon commenced and he tripped and fell into one of the traps that cascaded the surrounding areas, ears pinning down to the back of his head. "Help!" He would call out, tail lashing out behind him. "I j-just wanted to join and now I'm s-s-stuck!" The fear he was experiencing caused a slight stutter to stir.

[[ sorry for the rushed joining post! ]]

Re: TOUCH TONE TELEPHONE;; open - cub - wormwood. - 07-23-2020

The call of a frightened cub alone was enough to make Aurum approach, the large shaderunner having been out on the hunt before Nicabar's call reached him. A frown came to his muzzle at the distressed tone in the child's voice, and he soon found himself making large strides to get over to him, wings occasionally flapping to move him faster. When he eventually came upon the serval caught within the trap, he found himself unsurprised by the situation – after all, quite a few new joiners found themselves caught up in traps when they were just looking for shelter. However, while the circumstances surrounding Nicabar didn't surprise him, the child himself very much did. As soon as the angel laid his eyes upon the serval, it was like an instant headache, much to his chagrin. His angelic sight immediately began to try and pinpoint what was happening, but it wasn't truly able to, because there was a veritable swarm of spirits laying before him. Aurum found himself recoiling at the confusion of it all, his eyes narrowing and his head spinning in an attempt to make sense of it all. It took a long few seconds before things finally began to click, and he was able to calm himself enough to focus.

Unfortunately for him, perhaps it would've been better if he hadn't managed to decipher it all. As the fog began to clear, the angel was stunned by the presence of certain souls. Spirits he recognized, within the serval. Two of them caused him to want to recoil even more, or even run the child out of the territory, but there was one... one that left him breathless. Moth. His beloved sister. The sister he had never thought he would see again, because he had thought her lost as a result of the tremors. His chest tightened, and the lion's movements were almost mechanical as he carefully moved forward, moving to release Nicabar from the trap that he was stuck in, and help him to solid ground. Aurum wasn't even sure what to say, feeling dizzy and vaguely disoriented. Eventually he found himself sitting, just so that he wouldn't fall over. It took seemingly ages before he finally spoke, his voice hoarse and slightly breaking, "Who... who are you?" The lion had none of his usual eloquence, or friendliness. Instead, he was just stunned, and vaguely horrified.

Re: TOUCH TONE TELEPHONE;; open - cub - Luciferr - 07-23-2020

”ask them that later Aurum - they need to be checked first, you never know with our traps” the gruff voice of the burnt black beast called as he trotted up to join the two - trying his best to ignore what his blue fire eyes could see of the serval’s soul - souls even - it reminded him too much of Azraiyil when he’d had passengers to ferry back and also in turn rather gave him a headache to look at too directly trying to decipher anything of use.

He didn’t need to get melancholy about his brother here (ironically if he knew Aurum’s thoughts, he’d probably find common ground there since both had been caught off guard figuratively or quite literally by ghosts long past)

”alright kid - the trap injure you any? No cuts?” he asked

Re: TOUCH TONE TELEPHONE;; open - cub - DELILAH. - 07-23-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
The traps.

Delilah remembered when she had gotten stuck in them as a child, the way her mothers had pulled her out and saved her. She remembered the fear of not being able to save herself, so of course, when she heard the screech of a child, Delilah immediately got up and ran as fast as her old joints could take her.

"What's going on? Did someone get hurt?"

Panicked voice raised as the woman glanced up at Fenris, then towards Aurum. Then the child.

"As Fenris here said, little one, are you injured? Does anything hurt?"

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: TOUCH TONE TELEPHONE;; open - cub - trojan g. - 07-24-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; max-width: 500px; font-family: Times New Roman;font-size:10pt;text-align:justify;"]Nicabar knew not of the souls that were in his body. Knew only that he was him, and that he was in a trap. That was, until he had been able to get out of it with the help of Aurum. Luckily for himself and for those around him, the trap had been one of the smaller, less dangerous ones. He'd been scared, sure, but not injured.

"I-I'm Nicabar..." The frightened boy would speak out, ears pinning to his head as he saw the expressions upon Aurum's face, shying away for a moment before ears pricked once more when Fenris and Delilah arrived soon after. "I don't think I was? Nothing hurts. Who're you?"

//rushed oops

Re: TOUCH TONE TELEPHONE;; open - cub - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-24-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LOOK INTO MY EYES, WE ARE NOT THE SAME !。+゚.[/glow]
As much as people got trapped, Vigenere was surprised to hear that a child had gotten stuck. Fuck, he hadn't even considered that as a possibility. Should there be less dangerous traps, or maybe not as many traps in the territory? No, that would be silly, wouldn't it? It was better to be safer than willingly allow your enemies to just waltz into your territory. Then again... if a child was in danger, where did that line lie?

"Hey Nicabar." Vigenere had a soft tone to his voice, almost like he were trying to soothe the child. Was it strange to see him like this, when he was usually one to bark around orders? Perhaps, but he knew not of what his clanmates knew about him. "Everyone else can introduce themselves, but I'm Vigenere." He went on, lowering his head to speak with Nicabar at eye level. "You're at a place called Tanglewood. Do you know how you got here?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: TOUCH TONE TELEPHONE;; open - cub - wormwood. - 07-27-2020

Aurum found himself speaking in a slightly shaking tone to Fenris when the other approached, his words coming out as more biting than he had originally intended, "He's fine. He can answer." It was after this that the boy did just that, his body language and face betraying no sense of recognition, or familial ties. The angel could feel his heart aching, wanting to scream in agony at the situation before him. However, he didn't wish to scare Nicabar, no matter how much the boy's mere existence caused him to suffer. Instead, he just took a long breath inward, driving back the shakes as he dug his claws deep into the mud below him, desperate for some sort of anchor.

Vigenere was already introducing himself and taking the lead, so the lion just followed along, lowering his head slightly before he spoke, on the same level as Nicabar, "M... My name is Aurum, little Nicabar." He tried to keep his one eyed blue gaze from growing intense as he questioned, tail flicking from side to side, "...Where did you come from?" He supposed that tied into what Vig had asked, but he still felt the need to vocalize the question himself. Had Nicabar simply been born, and cursed to keep gathering souls? Or was he some kind of divine gesture from the universe? All the possibilities made Aurum's heart ache, his desperation to see his sister again growing by the minute.

Re: TOUCH TONE TELEPHONE;; open - cub - trojan g. - 07-28-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; max-width: 500px; font-family: Times New Roman;font-size:10pt;text-align:justify;"]Eyes would shift, once more looking towards the one speaking. A new face to the child, one that he would - or should, rather - get to know well while he spent his time here. Vigenere. He would keep that in mind, he felt like it was important. Tanglewood.


Small flashes of swamp drew before him. The sound of a small sigh, the tell-tale
fwap of mud as it sloshed off of a flicked paw and back onto the ground. The slight feeling of unease as paw touched mud once more...

He looked down at his paw for a moment, watching as it was coated in mud. Had he flicked his paw? Remembering the question that had been asked, Nicabar looked up once more, "I walked I think? I don't really know how else I would have."

When Aurum mentioned his name, words swirled in his head. Words that confused the child. They swirled and mixed and made no sense. Soft, kind, brother, monster, killer. Brows furrowed for a moment before shaking his head in response to the question. "I don't know." He tried to think, but all that came from that was the beginning of a headache. It wasn't his time to know.

ooc note: as memories from other lives are triggered, the soul(s) in regards to those memories glows brighter than the rest.

Re: TOUCH TONE TELEPHONE;; open - cub - DELILAH. - 07-28-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
Delilah herself suffered from heavy memory lapses, confusion and lack of ability to remember what she was doing seconds before on occasion. So of course, the confused air around the child made the medic frown just a bit, head lowering so a soft croon left the woman's lips.

"Do you remember hitting your head, little one?"

Wyvernic wings folded at her sides as she glanced over at Vigenere with worry, then at Aurum. Then Fenris. Before a slow smile came to her face, gentle and welcoming.

"My name is Delilah.. I'm the medic here, like a doctor of sorts. It's nice to meet you, Nicabar."

With that, little flowers sprouted at her claws, warm hues softening at the sight of a child- she missed Flint.. Her beloved son..

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: TOUCH TONE TELEPHONE;; open - cub - Luciferr - 07-28-2020

Of course as soon as Delilah came in, the wolf backed off to let the medic do the work here - he wasn’t qualified for nothing much more than your basic field knowledge and anything he knew jury rigging wise would work on the fly.

Thankfully he didn’t seem to be too bad off - lucky really - but Fenris gave him a glance over either way and then he answered the youngsters question ”nice to meetcha kid, I’m Fenris” and then Vig was there - and Aurum seemed to finally shake off whatever trance he’d momentarily fallen into and the questioning began in earnest.

To which Fenris simply stepped back, allowing the others to take the lead and slightly uncomfortable with the press of so many bodies suddenly - mostly because he had to watch where his spikes were.